More Laughable Left Wing Logic
Newsweek's Jonathan Alter, in offering the Dems advice on how to beat Cut and Run,аmakes it clear why he'd better stick to being a lefty shill in a Democrat party propaganda rag rather than try to be a serious advisor to even the most desperate Democrat candidate on campaign matters.
Attempting to bolster his case for why Democrats don't have to be ashamed of what he claims is the demon Rove imposed Cut and Run epithet, Alter employs some rather questionable examples to bolster his case. He states,
'It's only under Bush that criticizing the conduct of a war has been depicted as somehow unpatriotic. Lincoln was lambasted by opponents during the Civil War as was FDR during World War II.'
Now it seems to me, were I looking for justification to criticize Dubya's conduct of the war that I would certainly look elsewhere than at the two very best examples of men who stood strong in the face of such carping criticism and prevailed to the point of assuring themselves a rightful place in the top tier of American presidents. Their opposition may not have been unpatriotic but world events proved they were damned sure wrong. Following Alter's lame logic, those who line up against Bush are headed for the dustbin of history.
Quick, name the leaders of the northern opposition to the Civil War or those who fought Roosevelt every step of the way during WWII.
See what I mean?
Russ Vaughnаа 6 25 06