American Thinker Blog
June 30, 2006
Mexico's decision dayJune 30, 2006
It's official: WMDs were found in IraqJune 30, 2006
MommyblogsJune 30, 2006
On the road to doomJune 29, 2006
More bad news for PinchJune 29, 2006
Sharon's Gaza maneuver pays offJune 29, 2006
The hidden scandalJune 29, 2006
Oh boy! Free money!!June 29, 2006
UK anti-terror efforts hobbled by European conventionJune 29, 2006
If one layer of disinformation fails, just throw on anotherJune 29, 2006
NYT blames Hamas, not Israel for Gaza incursionsJune 28, 2006
Put Steve Jobs in Charge of National SecurityJune 28, 2006
Quote of the dayJune 28, 2006
The religious war questionJune 28, 2006
Pathetic excuses from the NYTJune 28, 2006
No moreJune 28, 2006
Are they beyond help?June 28, 2006
A friend's thoughts on the flag burning amendmentJune 27, 2006
Dems and the nutrootsJune 27, 2006
Carlos the Jackal is upsetJune 27, 2006
Airbus updatesJune 27, 2006
The limits of rhetoricJune 27, 2006
Are We Fighting A War or Not?June 27, 2006
NYT on anti-terror before BDS set inJune 27, 2006
Heroism in HadithaJune 27, 2006
Green Guru Gore (a poem)June 27, 2006
Further crippling our anti-terror effortsJune 27, 2006
Kooks deserve betterJune 26, 2006
Propagandizing Iraqi casualty figuresJune 26, 2006
Eminent HypocrisyJune 26, 2006
Declassify the WMD Report and Tell Iran 'The Jig is up'June 26, 2006
New York Times indictmentJune 26, 2006
Haditha: another videoJune 26, 2006
Denton's death and UCSCJune 26, 2006
Missing Headlines (a continuing series)June 26, 2006
Ozzie Guillen and the blogosphereJune 26, 2006
The Death of Denice DentonJune 26, 2006
Paradise is an Israeli prison?June 26, 2006
Saddam and al QaedaJune 26, 2006
Murder most fowlJune 26, 2006
Too much officiating in soccerJune 25, 2006
More Laughable Left Wing LogicJune 25, 2006
Declassify the WMD Report and Tell Iran 'The Jig is up'June 25, 2006
France honors Muslim war deadJune 25, 2006
Somalia update via BellisauriusJune 25, 2006
Dramatic suicideJune 25, 2006
Gitmo is closingJune 25, 2006
Some reasons to love AmericaJune 24, 2006
An odd coincidence at the New York TimesJune 23, 2006
A secret counter-terror operation exposedJune 23, 2006
Multiculturalism's rewardJune 23, 2006
Amnesty for insurgents?June 23, 2006
Airbus (continued)June 23, 2006
Angelina Jolie, UN ambassadorJune 23, 2006
HamdaniaJune 22, 2006
Airbus (continued)June 22, 2006
Re-visiting the Duelfer ReportJune 22, 2006
Airbus: a note of cautionJune 22, 2006
Mad and dangerousJune 22, 2006
Iran death judge lands on UN Human Rights CouncilJune 21, 2006
Imperialism 101June 21, 2006
The Thomas Klocek caseJune 21, 2006
Stefania movesJune 21, 2006
With friends like theseJune 21, 2006
Our friends the SaudisJune 21, 2006
The selective ire of Human Rights WatchJune 21, 2006
Al Gore's utopiaJune 21, 2006
Gore, a fair weather friendJune 21, 2006
AP's fund-raising fake newsJune 21, 2006
The EU's twisted thinkingJune 21, 2006
Chris Matthews takes the low roadJune 20, 2006
Civility shruggedJune 20, 2006
The Hillary trapJune 20, 2006
Prestige riots in ChinaJune 20, 2006
Misplaced compassionJune 19, 2006
The Gaza beach hoax retreatJune 19, 2006
Claims versus facts on American "stinginess"June 19, 2006
Le Monde cites The American ThinkerJune 19, 2006
First, let's fire all the law clerksJune 19, 2006
Multiculturalism and Muslim leadershipJune 19, 2006
Illegal aliens and the IRSJune 19, 2006
Interesting coincidenceJune 18, 2006
Clarice Feldman citedJune 18, 2006
Moonbat comeuppance?June 18, 2006
A note on the lighter side for Fathers DayJune 17, 2006
"It may be difficult to do business... but it can be done"June 17, 2006
Don't blame Katrina victims for committing crimesJune 17, 2006
Eavesdropping stops terrorist plotsJune 17, 2006
Immigrants must adapt to local valuesJune 17, 2006
France cracks down in immigrationJune 17, 2006
Evidence builds of Saddam's ties to AQJune 17, 2006
Where did the AQ document come from?June 16, 2006
Saddam's ties to the TalibanJune 16, 2006
The cost of Iraq and 9/11June 16, 2006
Kerry's latest flip-flop draws barbsJune 16, 2006
The dead man's thumbdriveJune 16, 2006
Democrats and densityJune 16, 2006
LA Times over the topJune 16, 2006
Brussels blogger summoned for police interrogationJune 16, 2006
More on the PCUSA and IsraelJune 15, 2006
Abu Bashir's UN contractJune 15, 2006
French court upholds Soros convictionJune 15, 2006
Jersey girl widow's bookJune 15, 2006
Report from IraqJune 15, 2006
NYT publishes sophistry, but Iran clears-up their confusionJune 15, 2006
European attitutdes toward Israel shftJune 15, 2006
"Holocaust Will End in the Destruction of Israel"June 14, 2006
AP Watch feature begunJune 14, 2006
The "expert" who blames Israel of Gaza beach blastJune 14, 2006
Zarqawi, Schiavo and liberal madnessJune 14, 2006
Missing Headlines (a continuing series)June 14, 2006
Rove facing a civil suit?June 14, 2006
Russia and VenezuelaJune 14, 2006
A little context, pleaseJune 14, 2006
Bad penniesJune 14, 2006
Danish exports surge despite cartoon jihad boycottJune 14, 2006
State Dept & media blow another black op against Al QaidaJune 13, 2006
Hallowed Human Shields (a poem)June 13, 2006
A Mine, By Any Other Name…June 13, 2006
PA TV falsifies video of Gaza DeathsJune 13, 2006
SomaliaJune 13, 2006
UN gets a dose of its own medicineJune 13, 2006
E. J. wants a new New DealJune 13, 2006
Europe's vacation championsJune 13, 2006
No Merry Fitzmas for Kos Kidz: Rove not to be indictedJune 12, 2006
Money's not the answer for bad schoolsJune 12, 2006
Zarqawi autopsy briefingJune 12, 2006
The Gaza beach explosion videoJune 12, 2006
Victims as propaganda (a poem)June 12, 2006
West's demise for the best, according to UK TimesJune 12, 2006
Hussein and the TalibanJune 12, 2006
The Palestinians killed their own childrenJune 12, 2006
Media averts eyes from huge Spanish demonstrationJune 12, 2006
Littoral Combat Ship may allow US control of Persian GulfJune 12, 2006
The truth about mutlticulturalismJune 11, 2006
Back dated video?June 11, 2006
Putting the looney back in the looney leftJune 11, 2006
Lost In Translation?June 11, 2006
Cindy Sheehan updateJune 11, 2006
More indicators of Haditha hoaxJune 11, 2006
Brace yourself for the next Mohammed Cartoon JihadJune 11, 2006
The expected responseJune 11, 2006
Boeing v. Airbus (continued)June 11, 2006
Coulter gave liberals a dose of their own medicineJune 11, 2006
How OPEC hurts the world's poorJune 10, 2006
Plame/Haditha and Matt CooperJune 10, 2006
The GOP contenders for 2008June 10, 2006
Secrets? What's Secret?June 10, 2006
London's mayor backpedalsJune 9, 2006
Fisking the New Yorker's review of Gore's movieJune 9, 2006
MNF Iraq recap on Zarqawi killingJune 9, 2006
Goldman Sachs cuts NYT Company ratingJune 9, 2006
The "M" WordJune 9, 2006
Death from above (continued)June 9, 2006
French police fail to protect Jews against mobJune 9, 2006
Just kill inconvenient peopleJune 8, 2006
Jersey girls prove Coulter's pointJune 8, 2006
A vote for me means higher taxesJune 8, 2006
Useful idiotsJune 8, 2006
Death from above: hellfire from the heavens strikes ZarqawiJune 8, 2006
Questions about Haditha report "rights group"June 8, 2006
A gift to California GOPJune 8, 2006
William Jefferson case: more than meets the eye?June 7, 2006
Billbray winsJune 7, 2006
BBC's new torture charge against AmericaJune 7, 2006
British Empire Invades America (courtesy British taxpayer)June 7, 2006
It sort of makes senseJune 7, 2006
Mounties got sensitivity training before terror raidJune 6, 2006
A startling perspective on HadithaJune 6, 2006
Time to replace Fitzgerald?June 6, 2006
If Rudy runs, why not Condi as his running mate?June 6, 2006
Willful blindnessJune 6, 2006
Kos Kidz preparing for a loss in California's 50thJune 6, 2006
6 6 06 primary guideJune 6, 2006
File under Democratic dirty tricksJune 6, 2006
WSJ: Fitzgerald's got some 'splainin' to doJune 6, 2006
Ahmadinejad for anti-ChristJune 6, 2006
Larence Summers denounces British BoycottJune 6, 2006
6 6 06June 5, 2006
The war unfoggedJune 5, 2006
Teachers and student "activism"June 5, 2006
WMDs still in Iraq?June 5, 2006
Disunited MethodistsJune 5, 2006
And now for something colmpletely different...June 5, 2006
Thanks!June 5, 2006
Bloggers catch UK Times in US Marines photo smear.June 5, 2006
Parallel universeJune 4, 2006
Siddiqui speaks!June 4, 2006
The psychology of the Western elitesJune 4, 2006
Melanie Phillips on LondonistanJune 4, 2006
Just another day for the 'insurgents'June 4, 2006
How OPEC impoverishes developing nationsJune 4, 2006
Prisons and religionJune 3, 2006
European support for Palestinians "crashes"June 3, 2006
More from the Worst President in HistoryJune 3, 2006
Iraq casualty statisticsJune 3, 2006
That works out to a nice hourly wageJune 3, 2006
Oh would some power the giftie gie himJune 3, 2006
The Toronto Star covers the terror plotJune 3, 2006
Toronto terror plot foiledJune 3, 2006
Never poke a sleeping bearJune 3, 2006
The Harvesters (a poem)June 3, 2006
Rub a dub dub, four men in a tubJune 3, 2006
What Bush needs now is your prayersJune 2, 2006
Ishaqi troops followed rules of engagementJune 2, 2006
Haditha Marines and Duke LaCrosse playersJune 2, 2006
The real oppression of blacksJune 2, 2006
Transfer agents, alternate drivers and shortcut shoppersJune 2, 2006
Morocco arrests illegal emigrantsJune 2, 2006
Liberal elitists show their colorsJune 2, 2006
Stupid media tricksJune 2, 2006
Haditha reporter's and doctor's backgroundsJune 1, 2006
Haditha: a question of standingJune 1, 2006
The corruption of academiaJune 1, 2006
Self-destructive chivalryJune 1, 2006
Mindless in SeattleJune 1, 2006
Swift Vets ReduxJune 1, 2006
The Wilson/Plame affair gets even strangerJune 1, 2006
Arctic was once as hot as Florida todayJune 1, 2006
Will we wake up?June 1, 2006
Estimate: half of French prisoners are MuslimsJune 1, 2006
New York Times Company stock price down againJune 1, 2006
Ahmedinejad's Photoshopping job
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