The New Exodus?
Alex Beech does us a service by focusing on the plight of Venezuela's Jewish community, living in fear, and already diminished by emigration. Hugo Chavez has shown where his sympathies lie, in his alliance with Iran's mullahs, with his support of Palestinian extremists, and with his admiration of Carlos, "The Jackal." Read the whole sad story for yourself. Some excerpts:
According to The American Israeli Cooperative Enterprise, there are 35,000 Jews in Venezuela, while the Stephen Roth Institute places the number at 20,000. Since Chavez took office, the Venezuelan Jewish population has diminished. The Stephen Roth Institute claims that 'There are probably no more than 15,000 Jews remaining, down from 20,000 before the current crisis.'
According the Israeli daily newspaper, Ma'ariv, the number of Jews in Venezuela may dwindle even more. In an article quoted by the Venezuelan daily El Nacional on Saturday, May 20, the Israeli daily Ma'ariv reports that, 'a delegation of sixteen Venezuelan Jews traveled to Israel to analyze the possibility that sectors of that community return to Tel Aviv.' The group, according to the newspaper, met with Israeli President Moshe Katzav and academics from Tel Aviv University to inform them that a wave of Venezuelan Jews could migrate to Israel, due to 'policies implemented by the government of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, and in particular, its support of Iran's nuclear plans.' Moreover, the visiting delegation said the Jewish community had diminished from 20,000 to 13,000 since Chavez took power due to the 'insecurity' prevailing the country. [....]
Hat tip: A.M. Mora y Leon 5 21 06