Immigration bill to conference committee
Now that it's clear that both houses of Congress want a wall on the border, the focus has to shift to the Conference Committee because whatever "softer" provisions the Senate passes, the conference committee will have to make a resolution between that and the House's tough provisions. And I bet on a tough Bill coming out of the conference and the Democrats being afraid to speak or vote against it.
The Hill observes:
The Senate Democrats have always been more worried about the conference committee than what was happening on their floor. The problem is this for the Senate Democrats: They face the very real prospect of crafting a compromise on immigration that can be stripped away in conference, leaving the enforcement—only legislation on the table. Then, with the election getting closer, they will be forced to an up—or—down vote on a measure that could portray them as soft on border security. That's a nightmare outcome for Democrats.
Clarice Feldmanаааа 5 18 06