Courageous or Outrageous? (a poem)


'Courageous' and 'brave' are the words they use,

As the Liberal media try to disabuse

Us common folk of another Kennedy caper.

You can read each gushing line in your morning paper.


The story was this, and then it was that,

But Congressman Kennedy gets a pat

On the head and a slap on his privileged  back

From every left—wing elitist and political hack.

(No wonder the Brahmins can put their reliance

On the fawners who have groveling down to a science).


Do we feel his pain?  Yes, because each of us knows

That the pain of addiction through every family flows,

But our sons and daughters are only inferior.

They will not be shown the forgiveness that superior

Scions of wealth and privilege are accorded.

How will our kids' falls from grace be rewarded?


Now, let's see: jail time, a fine and license suspension,

Rehab, community service, and did I mention

A couple of years without a car?

His or her recovery seems very far

From possible with punishment this long and intense,

And all for a first time DWI offense.


Does the penalty fit the crime? 

Probably, because hopefully the time

Will never come when these same people hit

Anyone while driving in a drunken fit.

Will Patrick be saved from such a fate?

Not unless he faces consequences before it's too late.


To this day his Dad hasn't paid for manslaughter,

Though he hastened to her death someone else's daughter.


There's no kindness in covering his actions with lies.

This man needs real help before someone else dies.


Mimi Winship   5 06 06

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