Cheney donated $6.87 million
The fact that Dick Cheney made last year a charitable donation of $6.87 million — the largest ever by a public servant — has gone virtually unnoticed in the mainstream media. Given that they are so eager to report all the bad things they can find about those evil trial—lawyer shooting republicans, they should at least have the decency to also report the praiseworthy. But obviously they don't. To be fair, one does not often hear them reporting charitable donations by liberals either.
This, however, is probably due a different reason. Do you still remember Al Gore's 1997 charity totaling $367?
As a general rule, heart—bleeding liberals talk very good talk when it comes to giving something back, but when it comes to their own money they are rather careful. Most of the wealthy ones have become masters at avoiding taxation and hiding their wealth in various tax sheltered instruments. Ted Kennedy could tell you a great deal about it. But since he won't there is an excellent book that does.
There is, of course, nothing wrong with people deciding not to part with their own money. What grates is the hypocrisy. One wonders just how much of his newly—found personal wealth Bill Clinton has 'given back to the community,' to use the phrase that he so loved when in office. It is well known that the man is rather sharkish when charging for his appearances and that he cannot be got on the cheap.
His wife likewise has shown considerable cunning when it comes to steering money to her own nest. Some people may still remember how she arranged to get paid her huge book advance just days before being sworn in as a US Senator after which fact she would have been ineligible for much of that money.
It would surely seem that Mr. and Mrs. Clinton exhibit the classic symptoms of that same greed against which they so bravely fought while in the White House. It would also appear that they are not the only ones among the liberal folk who suffer from this execrable affliction. Can it be that Dick Cheney's enormous charitable donation puts many of them to shame which is why their friends in the mainstream media are so loath to report his benevolent act?
hat tip: Sally Vaci
Vasko Kohlmayer 5 15 06