American Thinker Blog
May 31, 2006
The nomination of Henry PaulsonMay 31, 2006
Everything is Israel's faultMay 31, 2006
Opting for the failing and ineffectiveMay 31, 2006
Gratitude, Abbas-styleMay 30, 2006
Kod Kidz Kosmic KonvergenceMay 30, 2006
Defeated?May 30, 2006
The smartest guys in the cellblockMay 30, 2006
Sen. Reid and the culture of corruptionMay 30, 2006
Violence returns to ParisMay 30, 2006
Mexico's pathologyMay 30, 2006
The leftists can't get their story straightMay 30, 2006
Vote for StefaniaMay 29, 2006
In Memorium: Ronald ReaganMay 29, 2006
Today – Memorial DayMay 29, 2006
Making excuses for a DemocratMay 29, 2006
The secret of happiness discoveredMay 29, 2006
First You Need an ArmyMay 29, 2006
Ummah News LinksMay 28, 2006
Sen. Feinstein rips up public gardenMay 28, 2006
Conservatives, Liberals, and BeanballsMay 27, 2006
Forsaken Honor, Forgotten ShameMay 27, 2006
What's Wrong With This Story?May 27, 2006
UN runs away after terror attackMay 27, 2006
King Tut's descendantsMay 27, 2006
Libby case impacted by Judge Walton's rulingMay 27, 2006
Go and find a soldier's graveMay 27, 2006
Andrew Bostom on C-SPAN 2's Book TVMay 27, 2006
Destroying Israel step by stepMay 27, 2006
The terrorist pony expressMay 26, 2006
Fatah members seeks asylum (in Spain) from HamasMay 26, 2006
Hamas and HitlerMay 26, 2006
Iranian Satirist: "Dear Mahmoud..."May 25, 2006
George Galloway: Murder of Tony BlairMay 25, 2006
More bad news for New York Times Company shareholdersMay 25, 2006
California's latest boondoggleMay 25, 2006
Sometimes budget shortfalls aren't all badMay 25, 2006
Healthcare and globalizationMay 25, 2006
The kind of soldier the media likes to write aboutMay 25, 2006
Pomp and CircumstancesMay 25, 2006
How Hamas raises money for its budgetMay 24, 2006
Opposing British professors' boycott of IsraelMay 24, 2006
Can Syrians laugh?May 24, 2006
What did I tell you?May 24, 2006
Canada's measured move to conservatismMay 24, 2006
A.C.L.U. Reveals True ColorsMay 24, 2006
The Palestinian mode of governanceMay 24, 2006
Affirmative action spreadsMay 24, 2006
A curious omissionMay 24, 2006
The Battle of New Orleans – Part IIMay 24, 2006
Europe's tale of woeMay 24, 2006
Bush Lied, The Nation DiedMay 24, 2006
9/11 conspiracy theories support growingMay 24, 2006
UK Telegraph: If the Church abandoned Socialism...May 23, 2006
Quo Vadis?May 23, 2006
Why regime change doesn't always workMay 23, 2006
Minnesota goes purpleMay 23, 2006
Three "no"sMay 23, 2006
The missing grave markerMay 23, 2006
Guant疣amo's outrageMay 23, 2006
The real culture of corruption in DCMay 23, 2006
American Idol Finale – The winner will not be 'Soulful'May 22, 2006
Churches: Israel is Evil AND StupidMay 22, 2006
A question for Tim RussertMay 22, 2006
Don't Listen To Dick MorrisMay 22, 2006
Pinch, unhingedMay 22, 2006
Faster than the speed of soundMay 22, 2006
Kos going NIMBY?May 22, 2006
Oliver Stone and Hugo Chavez team up?May 22, 2006
Inside baseball, Chicago-styleMay 22, 2006
A new independent member of Congress?May 22, 2006
EU paid ransom, enriched terroristsMay 22, 2006
Historians riled by book award on the A-bombing decisionMay 22, 2006
The truth will set you freeMay 21, 2006
Jerry Brown StoryMay 21, 2006
The New Exodus?May 21, 2006
Sticking with BushMay 21, 2006
A picture is worth a thousand editorialsMay 21, 2006
Self-Defeating Conservative IntellectualsMay 21, 2006
Identifying Hostages In AdvanceMay 21, 2006
This just in: the French are the rudest people on earthMay 21, 2006
Bush losing Hispanics?May 21, 2006
Notes from the left (a continuing series)May 21, 2006
Al Qaida ally finances terror by kidnapping Christian boysMay 20, 2006
Religious Liberals gain New VisibilityMay 20, 2006
Fitzgerald Distorting the Evidence to Smear CheneyMay 20, 2006
McCain heckled at the New SchoolMay 19, 2006
Nazi comparison understates the caseMay 19, 2006
Hirsi Ali to the US (continued)May 19, 2006
General Hayden: man on a missionMay 19, 2006
The Torch is back in the newsMay 19, 2006
Tyranny tips its handMay 19, 2006
Our opponent's mentalityMay 18, 2006
Trouble ahead in EcuadorMay 18, 2006
Speaking truth to pettinessMay 18, 2006
Canada stands firm in AfghanistanMay 18, 2006
The engine of the leftMay 18, 2006
Kissinger speaksMay 18, 2006
Immigration bill to conference committeeMay 17, 2006
Did the poker player president win the pot?May 17, 2006
NYT advertising revenues downMay 17, 2006
Moderate IslamMay 17, 2006
Britain to teach traditional valuesMay 17, 2006
The border fenceMay 17, 2006
The focus of Amnesty InternationalMay 17, 2006
Inside Guantanamo BayMay 17, 2006
WW II - the saga continuesMay 17, 2006
Daimler-Chrysler trashes America: Smart?May 17, 2006
Don't forget the lawyers...May 17, 2006
A Bush policy success affirmed by Libby case figureMay 17, 2006
Editor of Brussels Journal under attackMay 16, 2006
Can we tolerate terror talk?May 16, 2006
PC textbooks full of skewed historyMay 16, 2006
The promised landMay 16, 2006
A headline we'd rather not seeMay 16, 2006
Noam Chomsky and his friendsMay 16, 2006
Bolshie Beeb to invade US marketMay 15, 2006
Hirsi Ali to the USMay 15, 2006
Comey's office at center of probesMay 15, 2006
Bad poll news in OhioMay 15, 2006
Outsourcing tutoringMay 15, 2006
Hugo Chavez in LondonMay 15, 2006
Cheney donated $6.87 millionMay 15, 2006
Mr. Kuttner: Is Hillary Hitler or Stalin?May 14, 2006
The cultral history of lowridersMay 14, 2006
More on Michael HaydenMay 14, 2006
Monkey BusinessMay 13, 2006
Scandal may break up Chirac partyMay 13, 2006
Spain plans human rights for great apesMay 13, 2006
Democrat candidate channels AhmadinejadMay 12, 2006
Libby hearing transcript postedMay 12, 2006
Palestinians SEEK jail time in IsraelMay 12, 2006
The tax cut bill solves a trade disputeMay 11, 2006
The lack of faith in modern cultureMay 11, 2006
What some pro-choicers really thinkMay 11, 2006
AOL editorializes with imagesMay 11, 2006
Gen. Hayden explains the NSA telephone programMay 11, 2006
AARP goes after the young-'unsMay 11, 2006
Hooey about the NSAMay 11, 2006
More on the Ahmadinejad letterMay 11, 2006
Neither great nor wiseMay 11, 2006
Mr. Bush, Tear Down That Cross (a poem)May 11, 2006
Buying the world in DubaiMay 11, 2006
Malpractice at the ABA?May 10, 2006
Scrubbing the recordMay 10, 2006
The middle class bails on the DemocratsMay 10, 2006
Instant Pharaonic FatwaMay 10, 2006
UN initiative against businessMay 10, 2006
Video link for Legacy of Jihad speechMay 10, 2006
NYT: Mommies killMay 10, 2006
The CIA in contextMay 10, 2006
A unique opportunityMay 10, 2006
Helsinki jiu-jitsu?May 10, 2006
Egyptian Imam: 82% of all corruption comes from the JewsMay 10, 2006
China's Gitmo conflictMay 9, 2006
American Bar Association shenanigansMay 9, 2006
China's bad debt mountainMay 9, 2006
Libby meets the pressMay 9, 2006
Armor designed by MomMay 9, 2006
A harmonic convergence of the leftMay 9, 2006
Where does the NYT get its story ideas?May 9, 2006
Mothers against molestorsMay 9, 2006
Petty and vindictiveMay 9, 2006
Rx for Canada's foreign policyMay 9, 2006
The Shame of the British UniversitiesMay 9, 2006
Joe Wilson's shift with the windsMay 8, 2006
The "domestic spying" case returnsMay 8, 2006
Historians riled by book award on the A-bombing decisionMay 8, 2006
CIA Run AmokMay 8, 2006
More money for leftist causesMay 8, 2006
Britain to outlaw ice cream vansMay 8, 2006
General Hayden for the CIAMay 8, 2006
Muslims seeking refugeMay 8, 2006
The friends of HillaryMay 8, 2006
Jimmy Carter: Disgrace to the Human RaceMay 8, 2006
Just class and dignityMay 8, 2006
Rumsfeld heckler thought Saddam had WMDsMay 7, 2006
Response to Islamic terrorMay 7, 2006
Another suggestion: who "outed" PlameMay 7, 2006
Are dolphins really that smart?May 7, 2006
Defeating terrorists in IraqMay 7, 2006
NYT writer on two class shareholdingsMay 7, 2006
Ted Kennedy's double hypocrisyMay 7, 2006
When in France do as the SpanishMay 7, 2006
NYT minimizes Zarqawi's video embarrassmentMay 7, 2006
Venezuela to get a "president for life"?May 7, 2006
The scandal roiling FranceMay 6, 2006
Courageous or Outrageous? (a poem)May 6, 2006
Blood-feast in Berkeley updateMay 6, 2006
Terrorist strategy for BaghdadMay 6, 2006
E-redactionMay 6, 2006
Jim Estrada on United 93May 6, 2006
Short sellers betting against Pinch SulzbergerMay 6, 2006
No caving from Tony BlairMay 5, 2006
Makig Jews comfortableMay 5, 2006
Wilson on the hotseatMay 5, 2006
Interview with Harvey MansfieldMay 5, 2006
An echo of the "Israel Lobby" paper in EnglandMay 5, 2006
The NYT goes lowMay 5, 2006
Race-neutrality in CaliforniaMay 5, 2006
A must-read from Lawrence HenryMay 5, 2006
Grade inflation hits the rag tradeMay 5, 2006
Patrick Kennedy and Cynthia McKinneyMay 5, 2006
Paid in full, eventuallyMay 4, 2006
The tentacles of corruptionMay 4, 2006
Honoring a monsterMay 4, 2006
Must-see TV (link)May 4, 2006
Iraq update: national unity governmentMay 4, 2006
France requests custody of MoussaouiMay 4, 2006
NYT notices "French Watergate"May 4, 2006
What six million ex-Muslims?May 4, 2006
We know enoughMay 4, 2006
Rep. Weldon targeted by Kerry and the ClintonistasMay 4, 2006
The silence of the shamsMay 3, 2006
Six million African Muslims leave Islam per yearMay 3, 2006
Not such big love hereMay 3, 2006
Arabs and cartoons againMay 3, 2006
United 93 shows unusual box office strengthMay 3, 2006
Missing headlines (a continuing series)May 3, 2006
Missing headlines (a continuing series)May 3, 2006
Iraq's "Cowboy General"May 3, 2006
De Villepin fights for poltical lifeMay 3, 2006
Cesspool of the psycheMay 3, 2006
TributeMay 2, 2006
Woolsey suggests blocking Iran's refined oil suppliesMay 2, 2006
Hezbollah from Sea to Shining Sea?May 2, 2006
The Saddam files (continued)May 2, 2006
McCain and IsraelMay 2, 2006
Judges gone wild (a continuing series)May 2, 2006
A near-confession from Jacques Chirac?May 2, 2006
Bill Keller skewered by Hugh HewittMay 2, 2006
Prisons versus schools againMay 2, 2006
The Times sneersMay 2, 2006
A sick culture indeedMay 2, 2006
A Day Without GringosMay 1, 2006
The May Day protest continuesMay 1, 2006
Dumb question of the weekMay 1, 2006
Colin Powell's latest rehabilitation tourMay 1, 2006
Snapshot (a continuing series)May 1, 2006
One who has jumped the hurdlesMay 1, 2006
Curious coincidence at the UNMay 1, 2006
A hero passesMay 1, 2006
Another small sign of change in ChinaMay 1, 2006
History's losers need to move on
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