The gears changing at the White House


Don Surber links to my article today and agrees that a new day is dawning in the White House. He makes the astute observation that Tony Snow's appeal to the conservative base

...allows Bush to move to the center, where a president belongs.

Snow is a darling of the granny—in—tennis—shoes and bloggers—in—pajamas sets. A well—mannered, decent cancer survivor, Snow has more scruples than a seminary school. The press will give him a hard time at first, but will quickly realize that he actually has access to the president and policy. That will make press conferences meaningful and should tamp down the screaming matches.

I think that Tony's appeal is not limited to the base, though. When it comes time to hold the media up to scrutiny, he can come across as very reasonable to the center.


Thomas Lifson  4 26 06

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