Put the race card back up your sleeve
Thanks to Cynthia McKinney and the voices of racism in the Duke University lacrosse team story, I was thinking the other night, 'Thank God that 911 operator wasn't white' Hannity & Colmes reported the story of incompetence in the emergency dispatcher's office in Detroit. A woman collapsed and her son, 6—years old, was told by the 911 operator that he "shouldn't be playing on the phone." Tragically, the woman died when help was not immediately sent.
The boy and his family are black. Had that been a white 911 operator, what do you think the story would be: ineptitude or racism? It's sad that one has to react to a story like this with thoughts of marches demanding justice and TV interviews with some representative of the New Black Panthers to discuss this latest white on black 'hate crime.' But, as mentioned, the only story here is the right story because the pathetic dispatcher happens to be black.
J. James Estrada 4 12 06