Heartfelt words from Iraq the Model


The two Iraqi brothers who operate Iraq the Model blogsite lost their brother—in—law, a young fellow doctor, to terrorist bullets the other day.  Only now is one of the brothers writing about that tragic, traumatic experience.  Here is an excerpt:

The terrorists and criminals are targeting all elements of life and they target anyone who wants to do something good for this country...They think by assassinating one of us they could deter us from going forward but will never succeed, they can delay us for years but we will never go back and abandon our dream.

We have vowed to follow the steps of our true martyrs and we will raise the new generation to continue the march, these children of today are the hope and the future.

What a difference between those who work to preserve life and those who work to end it! It's terrorism and crime and there are no other words to describe these acts.

They will keep trying to steal life from us and we will keep fighting back and we will keep exposing them but not with bullets and swords, we never carried arms and we will never do because we are not afraid and because we are not weak unlike those cowards who know no language but that of treason.

April will always be there to remind us of the sacrifice and remind us of the dream we fight for.

My God keep safe the Iraqis and their friends who stand with them in their noble cause, peace and prosperity may seem far away but we will get there and I hope our sacrifices be a bridge to a better world."

To read the rest, go here.  
John B. Dwyer   4 19 06

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