Conservative Convergence in Canada


While American conservatives are in the midst of our season of discontent, Canada's conservatives are enjoying themselves heartily. Last night, Ottawa saw a grand reunion of old and new conservative Prime Ministers, under sponsorship that would be all but inconceivable in the States. The Globe and Mail reports:

Mulroney... was being honoured at the annual Earth Week Gala Dinner by a left—of—centre magazine, Corporate Knights, for being Canada's greenest prime minister.

Mr. Mulroney used the occasion to pass on some good advice to the greenies. He said

that lecturing the Americans about their environmental record is not the way to solve global warming.

In a veiled attack last night on former Liberal prime minister Paul Martin and his criticism during the federal election campaign of the Americans' failure to sign on to the Kyoto accord, Mr. Mulroney offered three ways to succeed on the environmental front:

He said the government must lead by example and "not by slogan," it must "engage the Americans at the highest levels of government" and it also must involve industry.

Our ambassador to Canada David Wilkins was there. I wish that I had been, too. The advent of the Stephen Harper government is the one of the most under—reported important stories of current times. Big changes are afoot in Canada, now under what appears to be a most capable leader. Our media are doing their best to avert their eyes, but AT will keep you informed.

Hat tip: Paul Jackson

Thomas Lifson   4 21 06

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