Are they really that smart?


An article in the British publiscation Business titled 'Is France Ungovernable' has some fascinating figures. We learn, for instance, that only 36% among the French believe that a free—market economy 'is the best system on which to base the future of the world.'

In a glaring contrast 74% of the Chinese support capitalism which, as the article correctly states, is

a system that theory and practice has shown to be immensely superior at generating and spreading wealth than socialism, fascism, extreme environmentalism or any other of the statist nostrums apparently favoured by the French population

This is obvious and yet most French adults just cannot see it. And these dunces think of themselves as the most sophisticated and intellectual people around. So profound is their funk that they do not even see the connection between their non—capitalist policies and the economic trouble they are presently in. What do you think are the chances that the obvious remedy — making their economy more capitalistic — will occur to them? The solution they are likely to propose is more socialism... just watch.

It tells us something about American liberals that they admire and try to imitate these deeply troubled people. They would do much better to take a clue from those 74% Chinese who lack the sophistication that would prevent them from knowing the obvious.

The French, in fact, may the most confused people on earth. Even after the decades of communist indoctrination and brainwashing, the largely poor and un—free Chinese still know more about basic economics than those who think themselves the world's smartest.

Vasko Kohlmayer   4 6 06

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