American Thinker Blog
April 30, 2006
McCain and the serfsApril 30, 2006
French forgeries reduxApril 30, 2006
A country with no future destroys its pastApril 30, 2006
London Times: We may have to bomb IranApril 29, 2006
Smile Towns in the moviesApril 29, 2006
Will Israel take out Iran's nukes?April 29, 2006
McCain versus the First AmendmentApril 29, 2006
Reviews come in for United 93April 29, 2006
Nice analogyApril 28, 2006
Special prosecutor turns over CIA referral letterApril 28, 2006
Culture of deceptionApril 28, 2006
UN response: thank you sir, may I have another?April 28, 2006
Is the Arab world giving up on Palestine?April 28, 2006
Origins of the Iraqi InsurgencyApril 27, 2006
What the left overlooksApril 27, 2006
But-ting In On ProsperityApril 27, 2006
Funding the Iranian oppositionApril 27, 2006
Good to knowApril 27, 2006
The next generation left wing leadershipApril 27, 2006
Follow the politics at the UNApril 27, 2006
Andrew Bostom lecture appearanceApril 27, 2006
Buried in the last sentenceApril 26, 2006
Jail time for election sabotageApril 26, 2006
Iraqi Government may be in place in two weeksApril 26, 2006
The gears changing at the White HouseApril 26, 2006
The Real Lesson of BrazilApril 26, 2006
Unnecessary indeedApril 26, 2006
Tony Snow's new jobApril 25, 2006
Saddam deceived the UNApril 25, 2006
The Pulitzers and their prestigeApril 25, 2006
Monkey Trials?April 25, 2006
Obese parrot, plump dogs and capitalismApril 25, 2006
Houston and New Orleans: the cultural differencesApril 24, 2006
Egyptian terror blast aimed at Coptic ChristiansApril 24, 2006
The Return of Ron the RedApril 24, 2006
Norway welcomes HamasApril 24, 2006
The friends of Mary McCarthy (continued)April 24, 2006
24: Why Edgar had to dieApril 24, 2006
Iraq's national unity government gets underwayApril 24, 2006
Al Jazeera gives 24 hour coverage to Bin LadenApril 24, 2006
PBS, NPR spending money to lobby governmentApril 24, 2006
Anti-Israel conspiracy theoristsApril 24, 2006
Equal treatment under the law?April 24, 2006
Mary McCarthy makes fourApril 24, 2006
Strong is wrongApril 23, 2006
Ahmadinejad met top terrorist to discuss anti-West attacksApril 23, 2006
Zbig ReduxApril 23, 2006
Don't go near the waterApril 23, 2006
NYT gets scammedApril 23, 2006
Groundwork for Netherlands Sharia?April 23, 2006
Journalism majors and cheatingApril 23, 2006
Hailstones the size of golfballsApril 23, 2006
The friends of Mary McCarthyApril 23, 2006
Another LA Times big ego has problemsApril 22, 2006
Dealing with the devilApril 22, 2006
Europe's malaiseApril 22, 2006
Guess who the CIA leaker donated to?April 21, 2006
More good news from IraqApril 21, 2006
Buried in the NYTApril 21, 2006
Look who's behind the revolt at the New York TimesApril 21, 2006
Scientists cool on global warmingApril 21, 2006
Silly at their own riskApril 21, 2006
The balance tips at the University of CaliforniaApril 21, 2006
Conservative Convergence in CanadaApril 21, 2006
The "Fox News Effect"April 20, 2006
Religious democrats and tyrants who oppressApril 20, 2006
A terror connection in the Palestinians' cabinetApril 20, 2006
Missing headlines (a continuing series)April 20, 2006
The 747 houseApril 20, 2006
The f-word and femalenessApril 20, 2006
Brad Stine: Conservative Christian ComedianApril 20, 2006
Poor Lad (a poem)April 20, 2006
'Infidels are filth' taught at UK Muslim seminaryApril 20, 2006
Saddam's bomb?April 19, 2006
Heartfelt words from Iraq the ModelApril 19, 2006
Free DVD for military personnelApril 19, 2006
Partial Life?April 19, 2006
Vik's Chaat HouseApril 19, 2006
After Scott McClellanApril 19, 2006
Friedman's folly on display todayApril 19, 2006
The press balksApril 19, 2006
In her own wordsApril 19, 2006
Liberal HypocritesApril 19, 2006
NYT op-ed supports Walt/MearsheimerApril 19, 2006
Deport Sami al-Arian — to IsraelApril 18, 2006
Overthrow the ruling class at the New York TimesApril 18, 2006
The Shinseki troop strength myth and the generals' revoltApril 18, 2006
Will NYT credit Bolton for his work on Darfur?April 18, 2006
Canada: the good news keeps comingApril 18, 2006
Sami al-Arian cops a pleaApril 18, 2006
Juan Cole moving to Yale?April 18, 2006
Pilots demand Airbus probeApril 18, 2006
Jihadis with nukes: the danger lurks in PakistanApril 18, 2006
One hundred years ago todayApril 18, 2006
"White Muslims"April 18, 2006
Three reasons not to bomb Iran - yetApril 17, 2006
More UN absurdityApril 17, 2006
The Saddam files (continued)April 17, 2006
Bill Clinton's legacyApril 17, 2006
Why didn't they resign?April 17, 2006
The Hidden Imam and Iran's PresidentApril 17, 2006
Action, Yes; Panic, NoApril 17, 2006
Greenies turning around on nukesApril 17, 2006
The broken left wingApril 17, 2006
Hamas meets with al QaedaApril 17, 2006
Debunking PlamegateApril 17, 2006
Saint Judas?April 16, 2006
A must-read from Jack RiskoApril 16, 2006
New siteApril 16, 2006
Timeline to Iran's First NukeApril 16, 2006
Donny Boy (an alternative lyric to a favorite song)April 16, 2006
A wondrous nightApril 15, 2006
Folie a deuxApril 15, 2006
NYT finally covers victims of Palestinian terroristsApril 15, 2006
Pressing newsApril 15, 2006
A letter to the editor and a replyApril 15, 2006
Are the generals strutting for Hillary?April 15, 2006
The Islam exceptionApril 15, 2006
More on Plantation AmericaApril 14, 2006
Why they hate him soApril 14, 2006
Just when you thought you'd heard it allApril 14, 2006
What do anti-war generals have in common?April 14, 2006
Burkle's BuddiesApril 14, 2006
More good news from IraqApril 14, 2006
Thinking About ChivalryApril 14, 2006
Rumsfeld praises 82nd Airborne - a critic's old commandApril 14, 2006
Sensitivity for me, not theeApril 14, 2006
Womyn gone wildApril 14, 2006
The Palestinian political cultureApril 14, 2006
The return ofApril 14, 2006
Bob Woodward responds to Libby subpoenaApril 13, 2006
Zinni then, Zinni nowApril 13, 2006
Then and now with MG BatisteApril 13, 2006
Dumbing-down the schoolsApril 13, 2006
Missing headlines (a continuing series)April 13, 2006
St. Maarten Official Condemns Gay BeatingApril 13, 2006
New York Times Company profits plungeApril 13, 2006
Is America going to be the France of 1936?April 13, 2006
Harvard study tells parties to court "religious centrists"April 13, 2006
Guess who's to blame for bad manners?April 13, 2006
Freedom of speech for me but not for thee (continued)April 13, 2006
NYT: The dog ate our emailApril 13, 2006
Best liberal parody phrase of the day:April 12, 2006
Flight 93 Cockpit Recording Played at Moussaoui TrialApril 12, 2006
Conspiracy theoryApril 12, 2006
Put the race card back up your sleeveApril 12, 2006
The NYT ignores a big storyApril 12, 2006
The climate of fear in climate studiesApril 12, 2006
The EU bowdlerizes the language of jihadApril 12, 2006
The Left's Don QuixotesApril 12, 2006
The Saddam files (continued)April 11, 2006
A familiar journalistic principle at work againApril 11, 2006
The Venezuelan ConnectionApril 11, 2006
Fitzgerald to Judge Walton: Oops!April 11, 2006
Journalists stealing newspapersApril 11, 2006
London mayor likens Tiananmen to Trafalgar Sq. demonstrationApril 11, 2006
The Evil that dare not speak its name (in the EU)April 11, 2006
Sanity prevailsApril 11, 2006
LaShawn Barber on the Duke rape caseApril 11, 2006
The schadenfreude of the NYTApril 11, 2006
Hitchens on the Iraq-Niger uranium connectionApril 11, 2006
The special election today in California's 50th districtApril 11, 2006
The bird flu blackout in ChinaApril 11, 2006
Turkey: Islamists and the secular military in wrestling matcApril 10, 2006
France surrenders - to French studentsApril 10, 2006
More and more like Tawana BrawleyApril 10, 2006
Freedom of speech for me but not for thee (continued)April 10, 2006
Photo fakery influences war perceptionsApril 10, 2006
The old media double standardApril 10, 2006
Of minds great and smallApril 10, 2006
Good fencesApril 10, 2006
Tim Russert plays softball with John KeryyApril 10, 2006
Kerry's biggest mistake?April 10, 2006
The India LobbyApril 9, 2006
Google censors China, carries Muslim Terror TVApril 9, 2006
Save the polluters!April 9, 2006
Lefty media flipping outApril 9, 2006
North Korea threatens pre-emptive strikeApril 9, 2006
Bush "leaked" hooeyApril 8, 2006
The New Yorker Magazine says US planning to attack IranApril 8, 2006
Unmitigated arroganceApril 8, 2006
Self-defeating gloatingApril 8, 2006
Time bomb in the immigration billApril 8, 2006
College admissions: a reader makes a great pointApril 7, 2006
Laws are not optionalApril 7, 2006
French immigration much tougher than USApril 7, 2006
Missing headlines (a continuing series)April 7, 2006
Airbus shareholder contemplates selling sharesApril 7, 2006
The "Israel Lobby" paper and the NYTApril 7, 2006
Compare and contrastApril 7, 2006
Another AP photo op-edApril 7, 2006
The PC crusade for indigenous peoples' rightsApril 7, 2006
A sad fall from graceApril 6, 2006
Iraqi mole in INSApril 6, 2006
The debate over the death penalty for MoussaouiApril 6, 2006
The dark secret is revealed!April 6, 2006
McKinney's starting to get lonelyApril 6, 2006
McCain makes a CFR deal and guess who benefits?April 6, 2006
Hugo Chavez and our voting machinesApril 6, 2006
Good news from IraqApril 6, 2006
Saddam's call for suicide terrorists against AmericaApril 6, 2006
CUNY's answer to the Taliban Man at YaleApril 6, 2006
Are they really that smart?April 5, 2006
Just getting startedApril 5, 2006
Ted Kennedy's moral equivalenceApril 5, 2006
WaPo takes on Walt and MearsheimerApril 5, 2006
Cotton bags, public transport and socialismApril 5, 2006
More controversy on the decision to bomb HiroshimaApril 5, 2006
"The Unit"April 5, 2006
Fatwas, fatwas everywhereApril 4, 2006
A Question for A.N.S.W.E.R.April 4, 2006
Jimmy Carter writing for DailyKosApril 4, 2006
The Siege of Western CivilizationApril 4, 2006
Gasoline price alertApril 4, 2006
Mystery illness in ChinaApril 4, 2006
Until we meet againApril 3, 2006
Obama wants subsidies and more subsidiesApril 3, 2006
Pull back the curtainApril 3, 2006
Teddy Roosevelt on assimilation of immigrantsApril 3, 2006
Trouble brewing on the European horizonApril 3, 2006
Hamas' dreams = others' nightmaresApril 2, 2006
Count on it....April 2, 2006
Does anyone still take the French seriously?April 2, 2006
Evidence of a relationship between the Taliban and SaddamApril 2, 2006
Picture-perfect propagandaApril 2, 2006
Arafat lied, thousands died; Clinton is not mortifiedApril 1, 2006
Immigration: a Cuban=American perspectiveApril 1, 2006
Hugo Chavez condemns US on immigrationApril 1, 2006
Bghdad briefingApril 1, 2006
Europe's left finally likes a US policy!April 1, 2006
Greedy big shots at NYT Company blasted by watchdog groupApril 1, 2006
U-boat threat overstated? (continued)
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