New York Times discount subscriptions
A reader who prefers to remain anonymous writes:
Re today's article on the NY Times — and specifically the section on "Giveaways, low—cost subscriptions and bounties" — a couple of months ago I reached the end of my patience with the Times and discontinued my at—home subscription. (I live in a DC suburb.)
When I called in the cancellation, the rep astonished me by immediately offering to continue the subscription at one—half the price! I have the feeling there are a LOT of other people like me who are near the breaking point with the Times, and if they knew they could get a two—fer (registering a complaint against the Times and getting a break on their very expensive subscription cost), they might go for it. I didn't, however. I quit cold turkey and the only thing I've missed is the obits!
(Please don't use my name, because you never know who's reading)