Muslims seek to impose Shari'a Law on the UK


As in the Danish cartoon riots, Muslims aggressively seek to impose Shari'a on the infidels of Europe. This time the target is marriage law. The BBC reports:

Muslims in Britain are to challenge UK law which forbids husbands from having more than one wife.

They say they will refer Britain's ban on polygamous marriage to the European Court of Human Rights this autumn.

Under Islamic law a man is allowed to have up to four wives, but the Muslim Parliament of Britain says that many families are being forced to live outside the law because their polygamous marriages are not recognised here.

Of course, no Muslim is suggesting the Saudi Arabia permiut free worship by Christians and Hindus and Buddhists and Jews on its territory, or even that infidels be allowed to visit Mecca. You see, human rights are only a tool with which to destroy the West and impose Shari'a, jizya, and dhimmitude on the foolish infidels.

If Shari'a is so important to UK Muslims, then they can always immigrate to a Muslim society. Strangely enough, very few seem to consider this as an option.

Hat tip: James Arlandson

Thomas Lifson   3 19 06

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