American Thinker Blog
March 31, 2006
History repeats itself?March 31, 2006
Priest persecuted for "Islamophobia"March 31, 2006
MNF spokesman on the no-mosque-entered incidentMarch 31, 2006
Michigan ballot initiative on racial preferencesMarch 31, 2006
Pakistan gets women combat pilotsMarch 31, 2006
NYU chooses appeasementMarch 31, 2006
Le bunglérMarch 31, 2006
Carramba! This Gem of a NotionMarch 30, 2006
A signal to IranMarch 30, 2006
Academic arroganceMarch 30, 2006
Islam suppresses other religions in AlgeriaMarch 30, 2006
Kos flaunts his moral vanity and ignoranceMarch 30, 2006
The New York Times unmaskedMarch 30, 2006
Ghosts of a glorious pastMarch 30, 2006
Bookstores now surrendering to Shari'aMarch 30, 2006
Canada's PM Harper and moral leadershipMarch 29, 2006
Middle East heats upMarch 29, 2006
More news not fit to print?March 29, 2006
AnagramsMarch 29, 2006
U-boat threat overstatedMarch 29, 2006
Welcome allMarch 29, 2006
NYU's partial surrender to Shari'a-based hecklersMarch 29, 2006
Update on the no mosque entered incidentMarch 29, 2006
No friend of AmericaMarch 29, 2006
Ray Robison and the New York TimesMarch 29, 2006
The PCUSA and "replacement theology"March 28, 2006
Saddam: "The first thing I did ... was to spit in his face."March 28, 2006
The pro-privacy party?March 28, 2006
Th case of the missing prosecutorMarch 28, 2006
CapMarch 28, 2006
Correcting media disinformation - no mosque enteredMarch 28, 2006
Out of the closet with hypocrisy intactMarch 28, 2006
More socialized medicine failuresMarch 28, 2006
An alien environmental-wacko species invades ChileMarch 28, 2006
The Pope and the secret Christians in ChinaMarch 28, 2006
They have no shameMarch 27, 2006
Hugo Chavez wants your voteMarch 27, 2006
Time Magazine's loose cannonMarch 27, 2006
Interrogation techniques and the Christian"peace" activistsMarch 27, 2006
PCUSA's anti-Semitism (continued)March 27, 2006
Shaming YaleMarch 27, 2006
Should premature babies be left to die?March 27, 2006
Shari'a dreamsMarch 27, 2006
Support Cuba's Guillermo FarinasMarch 26, 2006
Irresponsible Journalism Using Opinion Poll Science.March 26, 2006
Freedom of speech for me, not theeMarch 26, 2006
The Iraqi military view of OIFMarch 26, 2006
The state of the Democratic PartyMarch 26, 2006
Just a bit silly?March 26, 2006
Freed hostages updateMarch 26, 2006
First official Muslim protest against barbarism?March 26, 2006
Ambassador Munchausen Hits the College CircuitMarch 26, 2006
Airbus rudder safety questionedMarch 25, 2006
The tragedy of drugs... and liberalismMarch 25, 2006
Senatorial Popularity – Survey Says....March 25, 2006
Boo-hooMarch 25, 2006
UN fears for Palestinians in IraqMarch 25, 2006
British hero in IraqMarch 24, 2006
Danish Imam in hot waterMarch 24, 2006
Russians hid from UN inspectors in IraqMarch 24, 2006
Iran accelerates nuke programMarch 24, 2006
A new ports controversy?March 24, 2006
Mad Albright talks of "power politics'March 24, 2006
Operation Swarmer: mission accomplishedMarch 24, 2006
Ivy League in disgraceMarch 24, 2006
Explosive charge against Harvard/Chicago research paperMarch 24, 2006
Boneless wondersMarch 24, 2006
How to decode liberalism - Sudoku or Gary Trudeau?March 24, 2006
All religions other than Islam are heresyMarch 24, 2006
French foolishnessMarch 24, 2006
Saddam and his Russian friendsMarch 23, 2006
Protestors vandalize recruitment centerMarch 23, 2006
E-mail to ingrate Christian PeacemakersMarch 23, 2006
Ed Lasky on the Tammy Bruce ShowMarch 23, 2006
The worst regime in the worldMarch 23, 2006
Protecting Muslim children in the U.K.March 23, 2006
Leftist dishonestyMarch 23, 2006
Blame the JewsMarch 23, 2006
Ambassador MunchausenMarch 23, 2006
Antique media exposed on Balkan quagmireMarch 22, 2006
Noam Chomsky, greedy capitalistMarch 22, 2006
Quote of the DayMarch 22, 2006
Thank-you, M'am. May I have Another?March 22, 2006
More bad news for New York Times shareholdersMarch 22, 2006
Harvard backs away from "Israel lobby" paperMarch 22, 2006
UN capitulatesMarch 22, 2006
Photo editorializingMarch 22, 2006
Ending a Chinese television showMarch 22, 2006
Blood money for NYTMarch 22, 2006
Liberal love and wisdomMarch 22, 2006
The NYT Misinforms On Pentagon PsyopsMarch 21, 2006
Iranian escalation in terrorist prison break?March 21, 2006
Driving Christianity undergroundMarch 21, 2006
They call themselves "realists"March 21, 2006
Crocodile tearsMarch 21, 2006
The Saddam filesMarch 21, 2006
A great debateMarch 21, 2006
A sign of realism at the Washington Post?March 21, 2006
The UN's veiled attack on DenmarkMarch 21, 2006
How confused can they get?March 20, 2006
Hope springs eternalMarch 20, 2006
Dictators UnitedMarch 20, 2006
The last planeMarch 20, 2006
Harvard's discredited deanMarch 20, 2006
Art trumps politics in VenezuelaMarch 20, 2006
Ray Robison on the Saddam tapes (continued)March 20, 2006
The third anniversary of OIFMarch 20, 2006
A reason to rejoiceMarch 19, 2006
Muslims seek to impose Shari'a Law on the UKMarch 19, 2006
Muqtada Al Sadr was in TehranMarch 19, 2006
How Pinch is squandering the Sulzberger family fortuneMarch 19, 2006
Muslim cultural genocideMarch 19, 2006
Conversion to Christianity = Death SentenceMarch 19, 2006
Wafa Sultan in the Sunday Times of LondonMarch 19, 2006
Operational update & historic context for Operation SwarmerMarch 19, 2006
Rip-roaring spy taleMarch 18, 2006
Mad Mahmoud menaces Europe.March 18, 2006
Off-the-scale NannystatismMarch 18, 2006
The Saddam tapes (continued)March 18, 2006
French woesMarch 18, 2006
NYT admits it fell for fraudelent Abu Ghraib storyMarch 18, 2006
Special Prosecutor's response to motion to dismissMarch 17, 2006
New York Times Company faces major blowMarch 17, 2006
Quote of the DayMarch 17, 2006
Antique Media lacks context on Operation SwarmerMarch 17, 2006
The nature of the Palestinian economyMarch 17, 2006
Schumer aide pleads guiltyMarch 17, 2006
The Arab stock market collapseMarch 17, 2006
Wordsworth goes to ShanghaiMarch 17, 2006
Poor CaseyMarch 17, 2006
How to kill U.S. MarinesMarch 17, 2006
Throwing cold water on the Saddam document releaseMarch 17, 2006
St. Patrick's PrayerMarch 16, 2006
Hamas is run by Muslim BrotherhoodMarch 16, 2006
Ode to WMarch 16, 2006
Blaming IsraelMarch 16, 2006
Blame IsraelMarch 16, 2006
Mr. Baldwin goes to WashingtonMarch 16, 2006
Regrets for clear thinkingMarch 16, 2006
Award-winning leaking of wartime secretsMarch 15, 2006
More assaults on freedom of speech/pressMarch 15, 2006
Schumer finally shuts upMarch 15, 2006
Pentagon preparing for Israeli strike at Iran?March 15, 2006
The document release ruse?March 15, 2006
A new attack on black conservativesMarch 15, 2006
RCP's New LookMarch 15, 2006
Hamas and the House subcommitteeMarch 15, 2006
Leftward ho: top tax rate in Britain hits 57.1 per centMarch 15, 2006
Newspaper hard drives seizedMarch 14, 2006
Can conservative movies compete in the market?March 14, 2006
Just who was that hooded man?March 14, 2006
The petrodollar bubble and its aftermathMarch 14, 2006
Election mythsMarch 13, 2006
Tapping the Eastern Europe labor poolMarch 13, 2006
ACLU hypocrisyMarch 13, 2006
Privatizing government facilitiesMarch 13, 2006
Fallout from Dubai?March 13, 2006
History repeats itselfMarch 13, 2006
Canada's PM visits troops in AfghanistanMarch 13, 2006
Hillary Clinton – liberalism's perfect personificationMarch 13, 2006
An open letter to CongressMarch 12, 2006
No peace in our timeMarch 12, 2006
Missing headlines (a continuing series)March 12, 2006
Plame's thin coverMarch 12, 2006
New Dutch case law on Muslims and terrorMarch 11, 2006
Denmark's apologies not good enoughMarch 11, 2006
Jimmy Carter out of the anti-Zionist closetMarch 11, 2006
What is it about the Left's constant heckling?March 11, 2006
Can you say "dishonest"?March 11, 2006
Venezuela's bloggers are under attackMarch 11, 2006
Tom Friedman and $100 oilMarch 10, 2006
Trade, money, and the Dubai Ports dealMarch 10, 2006
The Chamberlainized State DepartmentMarch 10, 2006
Hillary, Ms. MendaciousMarch 10, 2006
The Soprano StateMarch 10, 2006
Facts after the fact on the Dubai Ports dealMarch 10, 2006
The single most stupid columnist statement this year (so farMarch 10, 2006
Happiness at HarvardMarch 9, 2006
More thoughts on Dubai PortsMarch 9, 2006
Air America rides into sunset while Johnny Cash lives onMarch 9, 2006
NYT's statistical sleight of handMarch 9, 2006
Like a harlotMarch 9, 2006
Denmark's jittersMarch 8, 2006
Spain's Foreign MinisterMarch 8, 2006
CBS and "The Unit"March 8, 2006
Dubai does DCMarch 8, 2006
How the South was WonMarch 7, 2006
Tip-toeing aroundMarch 7, 2006
A huge grain of saltMarch 7, 2006
Is Rudy Running?March 7, 2006
The amazing courage of Wafa SultanMarch 7, 2006
Delta Force on CBSMarch 7, 2006
Aviation Week: Meet the New York TimesMarch 7, 2006
Manly menMarch 7, 2006
Iran's nuclear strategyMarch 7, 2006
Beneficent capitalismMarch 7, 2006
You're still being lied toMarch 6, 2006
Release the captured documentsMarch 6, 2006
Lies resonate in popular cultureMarch 6, 2006
Germany's Kohl agrees with Ahmedinejad on the Holocaust?March 5, 2006
Frames of referenceMarch 5, 2006
Britain gives literal meaning to the term 創anny state'March 5, 2006
Dr SanityMarch 5, 2006
The view from the northMarch 5, 2006
NATO involvement in Iran possibleMarch 5, 2006
How we duped the West, by Iran's nuclear negotiatorMarch 5, 2006
Arab translator of freedom classics works in secretMarch 5, 2006
Pinch's pocketbook gets pinchedMarch 4, 2006
Getting a taste of their own medicineMarch 3, 2006
Katrinagate - brought to you by Soros and the DNCMarch 3, 2006
Require Dubai to starve the Islamist hate machineMarch 3, 2006
A great American ThinkerMarch 3, 2006
Insane?March 3, 2006
Passage to IndiaMarch 3, 2006
Carter seeks vote in UN against USMarch 3, 2006
More good news from IraqMarch 2, 2006
The love and hate of a liberalMarch 2, 2006
Lefty teachers meet the MP3March 2, 2006
Hugo Chavez and Big OilMarch 2, 2006
Phoenix Independent: Adding Fuel to Cartoon Fire?March 2, 2006
NY Times Expands Espionage OperationsMarch 2, 2006
Another triumph for Bush diplomacy the media will ignoreMarch 2, 2006
New York Times discount subscriptionsMarch 2, 2006
Canada's Supreme Court speaksMarch 2, 2006
Illinois governor stands by appointeeMarch 2, 2006
Canada and Ballistic Missile DefenseMarch 1, 2006
Ralph Peters nails itMarch 1, 2006
Look in the sky - it's Dubai!March 1, 2006
Taiwan move provokes China
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