The Mayor from Minnesota


While Islamists contend  with warlords for control of Somalia, a man living in Minnesota was appointed mayor of Mogadishu, the capital of the anarchical state.
Mahomud Hassan Ali, a Somali refugee who settled in the Twin Cities area in 2001, was given the job this month by 

"The prime minister of Somalia's transitional government was a boyhood friend of Ali, and appointed him because his family previously had been in government, the Pioneer Press reported. His family has strong roots in Mogadishu and the surrounding Banaadir region. One of his uncles was mayor of Mogadishu from 1959 to 1963."

Mr. Ali has an office and a small staff, but will be working without a budget or police force.  It is quite possible that he will have to contend with other claimants to the mayorial post, but Mr. Ali remains steadfast that he is the only legitimate mayor because he was appointed by the transitional government.

Despite the chaos that ensues in his homeland, Mr. Ali remains dedicated to the people of Somalia.

"I knew what I was getting into — civil war, a country without rule of law or governance, but I decided to do it because first, I put the people first. They're suffering beyond any imagination. Second, I wanted to help bring the city back." 

The Mayor from Minnesota plans to be in Mogadishu on February 25th, one day prior to the transitional government having its first parliament meeting on Somali soil in the city of Baidoa.

Eric Schwappach   2 20 06

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