No guns, please?


Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory is one of those places where you can find plutonium, uranium, and every other dangerous substance coveted by the world's terrorists and terror—sponsoring states. It's also got live nuclear bombs. There aren't many places in the world where you could seize a nuclear bomb if you tried, but leafy Livermore, out past the Berkeley hills, is one of them. And it's no secret.

In a terror—fighting measure, Livermore Lab officials began installation of Gatling—like guns as a measure to repel a potential terror attack. And the neighborhood response was ... outrage!


Guns in the hands of terrorists intent on seizing a nuclear bomb in their neighborhood aren't a problem for these classic NIMBYs, but the tut—tutting if they're in the hands people defending the nation's premier nuclear laboratory are provoking screams of squeamish outrage.

Some people don't deserve to be defended.

A.M. Mora y Leon 02 05 06

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