Every three months?
Jack Risko of Dinocrat.com notices an odd regularity to events involving conflict between the Islamic world and the West.
We don't know what the next excuse will be for large orchestrated Islamist riots, only that there will be one, and not too far in the future. Our best guess is May, since major Islamist events seems to be occurring no further apart than about every three months.
Let's see, last July was London — a real terrorist attack, fomented by the rhetoric and measage of the likes of Sheikh Omar Bakri Mohammed, and heralded by a web announcement Rejoice Community of Muslims. The Times immediately reported about fears of a backlash against Muslims, and respectable British folk retailed nonsense like: 'Just as the IRA has nothing to do with Christianity, so this kind of terror has nothing to do with any of the world faiths.'
Three months later some youths got electrocuted in Paris and 10,000 cars were burned in riots in over 300 French cities. One of the causes of the month of rioting was the tear—gassing of a mosque that words by Nicolas Sarkozy lead us to conclude was engaged in subversive activity. Yet the MSM refused to cover the riots in depth or show pictures of the offending Muslim 'youths' in order not to empower the right wing in France.
Three months later we have our current highly orchestrated and violent Muslim riots, this time ostensibly over cartoons, with the flames fanned all over the Islamic world by fiery sermons by Imams and a falsified and sexed—up dossier by Danish clerics out to cause trouble. In some ways this is the worst incident yet, with Muslim rioters and demonstrators openly calling for the gruesome murders of any Westerners who dare poke fun at or mock their religion. And the MSM for the most part have taken a pass on showing the cartoons, even completely innocuous ones.
Jack has some very apt comments on what we can expect from our media. Read the whole thing.
Thomas Lifson 2 09 08