email from Denmark
Dear "The American Thinker"
I have just read your article about the crisis we as a little nation of 5 million Danish people are going through at the moment. We have lived in a democratic society for a couple of hundred years and I think all this "time" has made us unaware of how important freedom of speech and democracy is.
I being a Dane have lived and studied on the West Coast for about 8 years back in the 90's. I have followed the Americans being the protector of democracy throughout the decades. I have on occasions looked at the States saying that they should mind their own business. This is totally wrong perception I want to bring out. Now I know who is trying to destroy democracy and freedom of speech.
I am, as a citizen of Denmark, threatend with murder and destruction for what a newspaper has published. People in Pakistan stating that we are infidel type people, London based Terror Group stating that the Danes should watch out and told that if only they had executed Salomon Rushdie, that the Danes would be horrified in shaming the Profet Mohammed. The London bases terrorist group, also said that they will bomb our country with suicide missions. They even want the Cartoonists to be punished.
If this is truely the real view of Islam — punishing all Danes with a "Fatwa" because of a newspaper article, then I will have to look as Islam as my enemy.
Its difficult at times to sleep at night, because we have never had this "hatred" directed towards us. I reflect on our basic values of our society "freedom of speech", freedom of religion etc. and how important it is to stand up for.
The Budists statues at Bamiyan that were destroyed by the Taliban (I think it was back in 2002) in Afganistan was a horendous attack on a religion and a sacred site. Were there any Arab nations that said this was wrong. Not one single Arab nation were against this destruction — makes you wonder.
Thank you for supporting us. We are truely happy and relieved about it.
Sincerely Yours
Timmy Nielsen