Castro's Campus Comrades (updated)
Campus is indeed an ideal place for Cuban dictator Fidel Castro to hide his agents. Although such leftists possess no security clearances, it's still possible for them to do damage — not against the U.S. military or the U.S. government, but directly against helpless U.S. citizens.
A Google search shows that someone who's identified as Elsa Prieto (which is the maiden name of one of two U.S. spies accused yesterday), a psychologist associated with Florida International University, appears 1982 U.S. Congressional testimony as someone accused of handing over psychological records to the Castro regime as a means of coercing or blackmailing Cuban—Americans. The congressional report says:
Due to the nature of mental illness these records are protected by State laws and Government guidelines, and usually only upon court order or personal waiver and release, can the information be obtained by a third party. The access of this type of information to suspected or actual Castro agents is of a great concern to all. Imagine if you will, what a fantastic tool for extortion or manipulation a foreign government would have by having this information. Let us ask you, how would you feel if you, your relatives, or assistants had a history of mental illness, and if this information was leaked to Cuba or any other country? Can you imagine the pressure that they could exercise over you?
If this Elsa Prieto is the same person accused in the espionage case, it gives an indication of the scope of Castro's malice against the Cuban immigrant community and the human rights violations being perpetrated against them even from their exile in Miami. Babalu has more here.
A.M. Mora y Leon 01 10 06
Macsmind confirms that the two Cuban—Americans employed by Florida International University and charged with being unregistered agents for Castro had been doing psychological workups on suspects for the Miami police department and says it is his understanding that they were caught by the NSA program.
Mac cites Newsmax about Castro's agents on college campuses:
Castro has been infiltrating us for years. As in this 2001 Newsmax Article tells us, much of his "recruiting" is done through already established "plants" within our academic facilities, Why? How do they do it? Simple, it's easy.
"Intelligence operatives for communist Cuban dictator Fidel Castro are working in the U.S. to get their spies or unwitting "dupes into influential positions in America's defense establishment." Further, Castro is himself a "terrorist' whose intelligence service has a "biological weapons branch.' Moreover, he is willing to aid whatever terrorist seeks to destroy the U.S, including Osama bin Laden's network. And he has sought to learn as much as he can about how the U.S. Postal Service works.
That information emerged at a Tuesday panel discussion in the Washington area that included two former Cuban intelligence officers who have defected to the U.S.
Cuba's major subversive focus of attention here is the U.S. military establishment, according to defectors Jorge Masetti and Jose Cohen. Professors at various campuses are aiding and abetting Castro, they allege."
ClariceFeldman 1 11 06