Canada's Conservatives pull ahead


An article in the Canadian National Post on Monday showed an Ipsos—Reid poll indicating the Conservatives would capture 33% of the popular vote with the Liberals taking 32% if an election were held today. This comes in light of another new scandal involving the Liberal finance minister Ralph Goodale and a leak about changes to income trusts before the information was made public. That leak is now being investigated by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.

Showing their usual bias, the media giant BCE who own the Globe and Mail and CTV News failed to publish the Ipsos—Reid poll. This is no surprise since there are numerous corporate lobbyists closely tied to the Liberal establishment at BCE. The Conservatives are doing especially well in seat—rich Ontario where the poll showed the Liberals falling to 36% and the Conservatives rising to 38%. Conservative leader Harper's disciplined campaign is beginning to pay dividends by being focused on choice for taxpayers, tax cuts, strong law enforcement, and ethics reform. The Conservatives have more than doubled their support in Quebec from 7% to 12%, although the Bloc Quebecois still hold 56% voter preference, a 26 point lead over the Liberals.

This election may be shaping up to end to 12 years of Liberal rule which has been marked by scandal, high taxes, patronage, corruption, and a foreign policy that lacked even a hint of consistency and direction. It should be expected that the left wing media, the Liberals, and the NDP will ramp up their attacks on Conservatives as being "extreme", "scary", and having a hidden agenda. This is to be expected as the same tactic has been employed in the last several elections. The Globe and CTV are already publishing articles (here and here) hinting that Harper is "scary".

It's almost pathetic that this is the best the liberal elitist journalistm community can come up with. One would expect that with the vast resources of academic socialism/communism throughout Canada's universities that some new and better attacks could be drummed up. But alas, the Left never has been known for having great ideas. Liberals in Canada and the United States in recent years have been reduced to criticism and avoidance rather than problem solving and creativity.

The good news for Canada is that a momentum shift may have begun which will lead to a paradigm shift in Canadian politics. This is also good news for Americans who stand poised to have a real ally back on their side in the War on Terror, trade, and security.

Jonathan D. Strong   1 02 05

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