They hate because they are taught to
Richard Baehr today explores the reasons why the Left Hates Israel. They turn out to be similar to the reasons why the Left Hates the US, why the feminist Left Hates Conservative Men, why the Black Left Hates Conservative Blacks, and so on. What all these Leftist targets of malice and slander have in common is not just the thought—out reasons cited by Richard Baehr, but the endless sound bytes that are constantly drummed into millions of people around the country.
The Left has a genius for controlling what Marx called The Organs of Propaganda — education and the media. In the US, the Boomer Left began its quest for power in the 1970s by conquering the Organs of Propaganda — the New York Times, the Washington Post, CBS, ABC, NBC. The result is the slovenly and credulous mainstream media we see today, a third—rate collection of corrupt propaganda mongers.
All the "reasoned" reasons for hatred may apply to the elites. But I'll bet that most of the haters do so just because they have been led to by years of indoctrination.
James Lewis 12 27 05