Fanatics with nukes
The debate over what to do about Iran's pending acquisition of nuclear weapons is one of the most important issues of the moment. On the one hand, James Lewis has argued that inasnity among leaders of great nations is not so unusual as we might like to believe, and that the fanatical religiosity of the mullahs is cause for alarm. On the other hand, Tom Milstein has argued that beneath the bluster from Iran lies a hardheaded calculus of power within the Islamic world.
Patrick Devenny brings some new information to the puzzle with a revealing article on a strain of mssianic thinking within Shia Islam. A straif thinking embraced by the current President, and which sees as desirable a state of chaos, hearliding the messiah — in this case the 12th Imam.
Not very reassuring at all.
Thomas Lifson 12 17 05