Dean in the deep end


Yesterday, Democratic Party Chairman Howard Dean declared that the U.S. cannot win the war in Iraq. In an interview on WOAI Radio in San Antonio, Dean said,

"[The] idea that we're going to win the war in Iraq is an idea which is just plain wrong...I've seen this before in my life. This is the same situation we had in Vietnam. Everybody then kept saying, 'just another year, just stay the course, we'll have a victory.' Well, we didn't have a victory, and this policy cost the lives of an additional 25,000 troops because we were too stubborn to recognize what was happening"

(What was really happeningа back then was a New Left—engineered drive to affect a Communist victory in Vietnam.)

Chairman Dean then attempted to link the Bush Administration to Watergate—style corruption by saying,

"What we see today is very much like what was going in Watergate. It turns out there is a lot of good evidence that President Bush did not tell the truth when he was asking Congress for the power to go to war."

So there, you have it ——аthe Iraq master plan of the Democratic Party laid bare: Paint the war effort as a total failure thereby forcing America into a repeat of Vietnam, followed by Watergate II.

For years, I have deeply suspected that the Democratic Party and the 60's—era hacks controlling it cling to a badly distorted view of America. The latest statements by two of the Party's biggest players, John Kerry and Howard Dean, confirm my suspicion. Like the rest of the Democrat leadership, Dean and Kerry equate the U.S. Military with Vietnam—style defeat and generally believe that the actions of the United States of America during any war are, at best, suspect.

That's understandable, since many of these un—American leftists, including Dean and the deplorableа Kerry, who recently called American soldiers terrorists, were steeped in a warped values system that once made it highly fashionable to openly hate America, spit on its flag and throw feces at those who carried that flag into battle.

The Left's unending love affair with the Marx—inspired moral free—fall that fueled the 1960s, is the single most important factor in how the Democratic Party leadership arrived at its current negative overview of America, its traditional values, its people and its foreign policies. The Democratic Party's defeatist rhetoric regarding the war in Iraq makes us sometimes feel as if we were back in the era of Cronkite and Fonda and McGovern.

Make no mistake about it; 1960s—schooled leftists like Howard Dean and John Kerry want this country to lose the war in Iraq as much as patriotic Americans want their country to win it. To both "old school"а and modern leftists,аа America isn't "good" enough to win this, or any other, war—— it is a racist, oppressive, imperialist, evil— capitalist country, in other words, one well deserving of defeat.

Yesterday, Howard Dean partially resurrected the rotting corpse of the 1960s. By saying that America cannot win in Iraq, even though indications are that it is winning in Iraq, he spit on its soldiers, on its President and on its patriots. He also gave America's enemies hope during this time of war.

Democratic Party Chairman Dean now joins the growing list of traitorous leftists and un—Americans that call his Party home.

Rocco Di Pippoаа 12 06 05

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