American Thinker Blog
December 30, 2005
DoJ investigation of leaksDecember 30, 2005
The limits of controlDecember 30, 2005
Protecting the Koran from scrutinyDecember 30, 2005
Crypto-conservatism reduxDecember 30, 2005
World War ll and Cold War finishedDecember 29, 2005
Another victim of the honey trapDecember 29, 2005
Munich and the "Iraq Analogy"December 29, 2005
Jizya may be returning to the West BankDecember 29, 2005
Tough times for lefty blogger?December 29, 2005
CommunismDecember 29, 2005
Calling the hoaxers to accountDecember 29, 2005
More Russia-Iran nuclear disinformationDecember 29, 2005
Islam as a political ideology vs Islam as a religionDecember 29, 2005
Iraq election aftermathDecember 29, 2005
Malaysia claims Egypt's pyramid for Muslims?December 28, 2005
Another German kidnapped by Arab terroristsDecember 28, 2005
Spielberg's anguishDecember 28, 2005
Simplistic thinking and environmentalistsDecember 28, 2005
Outrage at outrageDecember 28, 2005
Some truths about KatrinaDecember 28, 2005
Media amnesiaDecember 28, 2005
The Stakes in the Patriot Act filibusterDecember 28, 2005
Iran says Muslim nations should uniteDecember 27, 2005
Prove me right and the world wrong!December 27, 2005
A big old can of whup-assDecember 27, 2005
They hate because they are taught toDecember 27, 2005
Coffee shortage in CaracasDecember 27, 2005
An Icon of EvilDecember 27, 2005
Everybody wants a screen creditDecember 27, 2005
English Cardinal politicized Xmas sermon to attack IsraelDecember 27, 2005
More on the 2000 electionDecember 27, 2005
The T-wordDecember 27, 2005
More on the "engineering crisis"December 26, 2005
Frist calls for allied trade sanctions against IranDecember 26, 2005
Iraqis warming to Israel?December 26, 2005
Hypocrisy on the left (a continuing series)December 26, 2005
Spying in other democraciesDecember 26, 2005
Grim moonbats dine in the rainDecember 26, 2005
France opens inquiry into complicity in Rawanda genocideDecember 26, 2005
The Injustice Theory of terrorismDecember 26, 2005
Hannukah in VenezuelaDecember 25, 2005, a grass roots organization?December 25, 2005
CBS and NYT conflict of interest policy violationsDecember 25, 2005
Secret Hold on IranDecember 25, 2005
Kidnapped "peace workers" blame BushDecember 25, 2005
No ecumenical spirit in Bethlehem on ChristmasDecember 25, 2005
GOP and the suburbsDecember 24, 2005
More on the hoax Kennedy repeatedDecember 24, 2005
leaks are good for BushDecember 24, 2005
Rolls-Royce Socialism at the Bolshie Beeb.December 24, 2005
Rethinking emigration to the United StatesDecember 24, 2005
Fake but accurate. AgainDecember 23, 2005
Another suicidal national security leakDecember 23, 2005
O Little Town of Muslim BethlehemDecember 23, 2005
Liberal Democrat expels the homelessDecember 23, 2005
A Stringer?December 23, 2005
E.U. arrest warrant at work against terroristsDecember 23, 2005
NYT reviews MunichDecember 23, 2005
Deja-vu, all over againDecember 23, 2005
Pod pinches Punch progeny PinchDecember 23, 2005
The NSA leak investigationDecember 23, 2005
The Big LieDecember 23, 2005
WeblogistanDecember 23, 2005
Christmas is a waste of paper?December 22, 2005
Larry David's Festivus MiracleDecember 22, 2005
Demography is destiny (a continuing series)December 22, 2005
Bill Clinton's Guantanamo problemDecember 22, 2005
The news the NYT won't reportDecember 22, 2005
Union out of touchDecember 22, 2005
Ted Kennedy attacks BushDecember 22, 2005
Kofi Annan lashes outDecember 22, 2005
Round up the obvious suspectsDecember 22, 2005
Is Andrea Mitchell losing her touch?December 22, 2005
Why American Muslims stay silent.December 22, 2005
Dear Harry and NancyDecember 21, 2005
Anti-war dissidentsDecember 21, 2005
Whipping up blood lust in IranDecember 21, 2005
"Read an American newspaper"December 21, 2005
AssimilationDecember 21, 2005
Jihad is a "Muslim obligation"December 21, 2005
Mexico: "Su casa es mi casa"December 21, 2005
The other Times doesn't minimize Iran's threatDecember 21, 2005
Islamists using nerve gas?December 21, 2005
NYT: What me worry?December 21, 2005
China opens court for temporary foreign scrutinyDecember 20, 2005
Neocon as anti-Semitic codeDecember 20, 2005
By a threadDecember 20, 2005
The real meaning of HanukahDecember 20, 2005
The Klocek case and DePaul UniversityDecember 20, 2005
No blood on their hands?December 20, 2005
Whose Side Is The Times On?December 20, 2005
Germany releases HezbollahDecember 20, 2005
The "engineering gap"December 20, 2005
Carter crushed our civil liberies, and nobody noticedDecember 20, 2005
Mother's MilkDecember 20, 2005
"Without a court order..."December 19, 2005
Manufacturing newsDecember 19, 2005
Missing headlines (a continuing series)December 19, 2005
Pinch Sulzberger where it hurtsDecember 19, 2005
More Balkan – Middle East terror connectionsDecember 19, 2005
Germany's Angela Merkel plans to visit IsraelDecember 19, 2005
Off the deep endDecember 19, 2005
The mistake of the Reform Judaism MovementDecember 19, 2005
Muslim attitudes toward US improvingDecember 19, 2005
NYT intelligence leakDecember 19, 2005
What's wrong with this picture?December 19, 2005
Chinese local officials defend Dongzhou Village massacreDecember 18, 2005
This week in IraqDecember 18, 2005
Time to Investigate the TimesDecember 18, 2005
House Dems vote in support of HamasDecember 18, 2005
CENTCOM Reports 18 December 2005December 18, 2005
The New York Times Intelligence ScandalDecember 18, 2005
Al Qaeda split?December 18, 2005
The left reconsiders Iraq?December 18, 2005
Sanitizing HamasDecember 17, 2005
Go tell it on the mountainDecember 17, 2005
RFK, Jr. Tilts at WindmillsDecember 17, 2005
China Covers Up the Dongzhou MassacreDecember 17, 2005
Fanatics with nukesDecember 16, 2005
ContradictionDecember 16, 2005
The Free Europe InstituteDecember 16, 2005
Whitewashing the Clinton presidencyDecember 16, 2005
Sharpton shills for loan sharks that Democrats condemnDecember 16, 2005
The most hypocritical Kennedy of all?December 16, 2005
Thinking outside the box: African B-schoolsDecember 16, 2005
LA Times cheers Phillip Morris verdictDecember 16, 2005
War on Wal-Mart's shaky foundationsDecember 16, 2005
The Saudi Dialogue with the "Other"December 16, 2005
Iraq's WMD moved to SyriaDecember 16, 2005
Dem sugar daddy's union-bustingDecember 15, 2005
China's exports in perspectiveDecember 15, 2005
More guns, less crimeDecember 15, 2005
Cut and Run: a Nightmare Stillborn TodayDecember 15, 2005
Sydney RiotsDecember 15, 2005
Testimony from Able Danger officialsDecember 15, 2005
Finding democracy in the Islamic traditionDecember 15, 2005
Friendly fire hits HillaryDecember 15, 2005
Katrina not a racistDecember 14, 2005
Congressional Omerta UpdateDecember 14, 2005
Environmental reportage: eyeing the sparrowDecember 14, 2005
Louis Farrakhan, friend of Reform Jews?December 14, 2005
Churchill on defeatistsDecember 14, 2005
A Radical Proposal for DemsDecember 14, 2005
The Religious Roots of the War on TerrorDecember 14, 2005
Some pablum for Ms. Streisand's breakfast tableDecember 14, 2005
AG opens himself for questionsDecember 14, 2005
Merry Christmas - and don't forget to hate AmericaDecember 14, 2005
Global Warming - Chicago CoolingDecember 14, 2005
America, the Green GiantDecember 13, 2005
Village slaughter "not like" Tienanmen massacreDecember 13, 2005
Changing the regime in IranDecember 13, 2005
Obscene profits for obscene peopleDecember 13, 2005
Amazon Rainforest Too OldDecember 13, 2005
Another ad in the NYTDecember 13, 2005
The Rise and Fall of Schroeder and ChiracDecember 13, 2005
Two Media Guys: Fair and Balanced?December 13, 2005
Countering the Religious LeftDecember 13, 2005
Clinton and Kyoto: Too Much Hot AirDecember 13, 2005
The Legacy of Jihad reviewed at NRODecember 13, 2005
The Jews did it!December 13, 2005
Saudi justice updateDecember 12, 2005
Righteous Gentiles in AmericaDecember 12, 2005
Persecution of Rush Limbaugh suffers a blowDecember 12, 2005
Buying influence on campusDecember 12, 2005
More media merde made clearDecember 12, 2005
Hollywood helps BushDecember 12, 2005
Those other refugees from Muslim landsDecember 12, 2005
Replacing corks with screw tops?December 12, 2005
More on a possible Israel move against Iran's nukesDecember 12, 2005
Christmas: Sing Alleluiah!December 12, 2005
Iraq election underwayDecember 12, 2005
UN betrays Iraqis on eve of electionDecember 12, 2005
The LAT slams France, endorses markets!December 12, 2005
MSM hiding great news from IraqDecember 12, 2005
Bangladesh and Indonesia: Ripples from IraqDecember 11, 2005
The people speakDecember 11, 2005
French turn on their own governmentDecember 11, 2005
Officer who gave order to shoot taken into custodyDecember 11, 2005
The strategic vision of Condoleezza Rice.December 11, 2005
Wal-Mart Opening ClinicsDecember 11, 2005
The Religious LeftDecember 11, 2005
Giving in to the Jew-hatersDecember 11, 2005
Admit mistakes?December 11, 2005
Israel preparing strike on Iran?December 10, 2005
Slaughter of villagers 'by mistakeDecember 10, 2005
Schroeder goes to work for the RussiansDecember 10, 2005
CENTCOM Reports December 10, 2005December 10, 2005
"The Iron Fist of Jesus"December 10, 2005
Ratline from the Race-Driven DemocratsDecember 10, 2005
Scare-mongeringDecember 10, 2005
The stakes in trade liberalizationDecember 10, 2005
The China village riot's aftermathDecember 10, 2005
Kofi's jive: Annan lied, according to UN investigatorDecember 9, 2005
The tide is turning in IraqDecember 9, 2005
The Panic over IraqDecember 9, 2005
Now everyone's blood is in the waterDecember 9, 2005
The Death of FranceDecember 9, 2005
The San Francisco police videotape farceDecember 9, 2005
China's domestic unrestDecember 9, 2005
Kerry flip-flops in front of the same groupDecember 9, 2005
BlatantDecember 9, 2005
NYT cheerleading for shunning Jewish symbolDecember 9, 2005
Democrats flummoxedDecember 9, 2005
Should Israel give up its nukes?December 9, 2005
Information war gearing upDecember 8, 2005
Newspapers in the charity wardDecember 8, 2005
Iowahawk. Now more than everDecember 8, 2005
Panic in River CityDecember 8, 2005
Iraq, another AfghanistanDecember 8, 2005
the MSM plays catch-upDecember 8, 2005
"Juden" ("Jews") returns as a German insultDecember 8, 2005
Civil DisobedienceDecember 8, 2005
Iran leader's making a listDecember 8, 2005
UN official attacks USDecember 8, 2005
Hollywood angers both sidesDecember 8, 2005
The Case of the Missing Shoe BomberDecember 8, 2005
Freedom of speech for me, not for theeDecember 7, 2005
Ukraine university's disturbing tiesDecember 7, 2005
Rumsfeld takes on war criticsDecember 7, 2005
The CIA: the next stepDecember 7, 2005
NYT praises Vonnegut for trademark humanismDecember 7, 2005
Ramsey Clark, betrayerDecember 7, 2005
Respect the UN? Check this outDecember 7, 2005
Tookie: a priority for the NAACPDecember 7, 2005
NYT on Hillary: she is panderingDecember 7, 2005
The Al-Arian mistrialDecember 7, 2005
Mullahs urge Fidel Castro to convert to IslamDecember 6, 2005
Pragmatism? Or dhimmitude?December 6, 2005
Winning is for losersDecember 6, 2005
Junk Journalism awardsDecember 6, 2005
Dean in the deep endDecember 6, 2005
Texas two-stepDecember 6, 2005
Ramsey Clark, the "Contrarian"December 6, 2005
Time To RetireDecember 6, 2005
Missing headlines (a continuing series)December 6, 2005
Lincoln - a man for our timesDecember 5, 2005
Israel can't stop Iran nukesDecember 5, 2005
No favorable acrostics allowedDecember 5, 2005
Not that the media is biased or anything....December 5, 2005
WaPo columnist covers up Saudi ties to think tankDecember 5, 2005
Iran nukes around the cornerDecember 5, 2005
Kerry reveals his intellectual depthDecember 5, 2005
David Duke makes my caseDecember 5, 2005
The Education GapDecember 5, 2005
Let us now mourn brave menDecember 4, 2005
Thanks, Greatest Generation llDecember 4, 2005
Tinker, tailor, soldier, diplomatDecember 4, 2005
AIDS in China overstated?December 4, 2005
Hong Kong demonstration for universal suffrageDecember 4, 2005
Those tolerant CanadiansDecember 4, 2005
Report from Samarra, IraqDecember 4, 2005
Home movie as Tet?December 4, 2005
More MegalomaniaDecember 4, 2005
CENTCOM Reports 4 December 2005December 4, 2005
Would liberals fight Hitler today? (continued)December 3, 2005
Dhimmitude in AmericaDecember 3, 2005
Save time and moneyDecember 3, 2005
Would liberals fight Hitler today?December 3, 2005
Fitzgerald admissionDecember 3, 2005
Pakistani Christians expelled from their homesDecember 3, 2005
Anti-war Democrats. Again.December 3, 2005
The French heroDecember 3, 2005
Islam's power on the rise?December 2, 2005
Russia sells SAMs to IranDecember 2, 2005
Canada, our unemployed neighbor to the northDecember 2, 2005
Turkey and Iran cozying up?December 2, 2005
CIA story not untoldDecember 2, 2005
Thinking outside the box: urban land re-useDecember 2, 2005
True Blue in IraqDecember 2, 2005
The Arab LeagueDecember 2, 2005
The United States of Europe?December 2, 2005
Freedom of speech for liberals onlyDecember 1, 2005
Where are the resignations?December 1, 2005
China's new way of tracking its peopleDecember 1, 2005
Suspicious kidnapping of four "Christian activists"December 1, 2005
We're addicted(!)December 1, 2005
New UN investigator for Syria?December 1, 2005
Prediction come trueDecember 1, 2005
The emerging Russo-Iranian allianceDecember 1, 2005
No cut and runDecember 1, 2005
Niger uranium deals
Recent Articles
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Blog Posts
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- The president and his policies do make a difference
- Birthright citizenship in America vs. in the world
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- All we need is Joe, Joe is all we need?
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- Remembering an inspiring story about Sir Michael Caine
- Are Turkish President Recip Erdoğan's days numbered?
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