Your UN $$$$ at work


Thousands upon hundreds of thousands have died in Darfur while many more are near death; even more are suffering horribly daily.   Starvation, terror and disease infest Africa; Iran blithely works on nuclear weapons, easily flicking off the few complaining gnats; Russia, the Philippines and Kashmir are dealing with minority separatist movements.
With these and all the other problems around the world, the UN has quite enough to keep them busy as they factually and neutrally try to help.  So what preoccupies them?  What are their priorities?
Why, the Question of Palestine. Yesterday was the UN's  International Day of Solidarity With the Palestinian People.  Yep——no attempt at neutrality, no concern with facts and accurate information,  no equal forum for all concerned. Just another day of the UN's specialty of  propaganda, ineffectiveness and corruption. 
Ethel C. Fenig    11 30 05

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