What gets you into trouble working for San Francisco
A child welfare worker for the city of San Francisco discovers that a psychiatrist working for the city's foster care program is featured in a starring role on a pornographic gay sex site. The worker shows the pictures to her supervisor, and the supervisor sends them onward. Soon, the pictures are circulating around the department.
Trouble ensues. Not for the psychiatrist entrusted with the welfare of children while engaging in pornography production, but for the supervisor who is being investigated for creating a hostile work environment. There is no policy forbidding city employees entrusted with the welfare of children from being pornographers. But there are policies preventing anyone from judging such behavior. And, apparently, merely passing around pictures put in public view by a person somehow creates a hostile environment.
Few details have been made public. But this seems just a little bit crazy. And nobody seems worried about the children.
Thomas Lifson 11 02 05