The NYT ferrets out those Jews


The New York Times continues it policy of presenting Jews as somewhat suspect Americans. In an article available online only to paid Times Select subscribers, it decries the efforts of Kenneth Tomlinson to bring some balance to NPR's coverage of Middle East issues. And it includes this odd verbiage:

Late last year, without notifying board members or NPR, Mr. Tomlinson contacted S. Robert Lichter, president of the Center for Media and Public Affairs, a research group, about conducting a study on whether NPR's Middle East coverage was more favorable to Arabs than to Israelis, Mr. Lichter said. He added that although there were follow—up conversations as recently as February, officials at the corporation had not moved ahead with the project.

A spokesman for the corporation, Eben Peck, said it had not decided how it would monitor coverage of the Middle East on NPR.

''We're still assessing and looking at various methodologies that would allow an assessment of NPR's Middle East coverage,'' Mr. Peck said.

Other officials said Mr. Tomlinson had heard complaints about the coverage from a board member, Cheryl Halpern, a former chairwoman of the Republican Jewish Coalition and leading party fund—raiser whose family has business interests in Israel. The corporation has also heard complaints from Representative Brad Sherman, Democrat of California.

Is the Times implying that this redirection of the CPB will be done because a Jewish person's family has business interests in Israel? The Times seems to be supporting a dual—loyalty allegation here, combined with the image of greed.

Thankfully, the Times is there to ferret out the Jews.

McCarthyism or Sulzbergerism?

Ed Lasky   11 21 05

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