So where is the report?


On October 25, 2005 the report on the investigation involving Henry Cisneros, which cost taxpayers $21 million and whose release has been held up by counsel for some of the Clinton Administration officials  persons named therein, was ordered released by a three—judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia.  The Court ordered the report be made public within 10 days of that decision.
It has been widely rumored that the report contains information about Clinton era misuse of the Internal Revenue Service.
Byron York of the National Review said immediately after that decision was rendered, "secret motions" were filed to continue to hold up the already outrageously overdue report.
York added:

Yesterday, after Iowa Republican Sen. Charles Grassley asked the court for a copy, the judges issued a decision that would release part of the report to the public, and all of the report to Congress.

That the report is dynamite and the lethal blow to the Democrats' latest, baseless "climate of corruption" charge against the Administration is evident from the fact that last year Senator Kerry and others tried to cut off funds to preclude the prosecutor from even completing and filing his report and the sub rosa efforts of Clinton officials in Court to preclude its release now that it's been written.
Where is it already? Inquiring minds want to know.

For more on the cover—up, see this.
Clarice Feldman  11 08 05

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