Joe Wilson's earlier mission to Niger


Not much commented on is the fact that in 1999, according to the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, Joseph A. Wilson IV made another trip to Niger, a trip also paid for by the CIA and for which he was chosen upon the recommendation of his wife, Valerie Plame. The SSCI gives no explanation for that trip. And I don't claim to know what it is about.
One commentator, Macsmind, has his ideas. He suggests it was to what I believe were ongoing sales of Uranium from Niger to other rogue nations including Iraq. Of course detractors note that since France controlled the mines, this would be impossible, but the findings of the Oil for Food Scandal are shedding a differing light on COGEMA.

In essence, what you had was a "cake" laundering operation, and the "washing machine" was the cache located at Al Tuwaitha. So long as the amount remained the same, no one would ever know. This is so simple (crooked cops do it with cocaine in the evidence room), etc.

Of course there would be one caveat and this is key and not surprising. The IAEA would have had to have "blinked" once in a while. Scandelous? Yes, but that the IAEA might not have been so suspect if frustratated by the Bush Administration killing the Golden Goose, they showed their hand in October of 2004 by leaking the story of missing munitions at Al—Qaqaa. Make no mistake, the move was to defeat Bush and thus, get the 'heat off" as a Kerry Administration would have canned any further scrutiny into the Oil for Food Scandal.

While  there is little public information yet on Wilson's company, JC Wilson International, Mac notes that he found that

"Wilson's company was headquartered out of the offices of an investment company, Rock Creek Corporation, which was run by Mohammed Alamoudi who helped him gain access to markets in Africa 'for his business'. "

He reminds us that 

Alamoudi you might remember is the dirt bag who banks "with Al Qeada".

So many questions and so many things squiggling in the dirt under the rocks.Not the least of which is where are the investigative reporters who get paid to look into these things.
Clarice Feldman   11 17 05

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