Far out


General Vallely says Wilson offered up to him the information that his wife was a CIA employee, well before the Novak article.

Joseph C. Wilson, revealed wife Valerie Plame's identity in a casual conversation more than a year before she allegedly was "outed" by the White House through a columnist.

Maj. Gen. Paul Vallely told WorldNetDaily that Wilson mentioned Plame's status as a CIA operative in at least three, possibly five, separate conversations in 2002 in the Fox News Channel's "green room" in Washington, D.C., as they waited to appear on air as analysts.

Victor Davis Hanson says in another Green Room encounter pre—Novak column, Wilson made the same disclosure to him.

Fred Barnes has said everyone knew Plame was in the CIA..

Andrea Mitchell says this as well.

Add this to the Ames outing of Plame, and the Agency's subsequent inadvertent outing of her to the Cubans, one has to ask how in the world  this investigation can be justified and why, if we all know this, the Special Prosecutor didn't. 

If he did, why did he keep this nonsensical and expensive inquiry alive?

A more interesting inquiry,apparently would be, who didn't know Plame was with the CIA?

Clarice Feldman   11 05 05

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