Economist magazine ridicules death of Christians


Another sign of the Times (NY, that is). The Economist magazine, like the New York Times, is often considered de rigueur reading by the elites of the world. It positions itself as a magazine for the world, since it covers developments around the world (akin to the BBC — both evolved their international orientation due to the history of British colonialism ).

The world is a big place, and the magazine has only so many pages to fit all the news fit to print between its covers. But they did find some space to ridicule the death of a Texas Baptist pastor by electrocution as he was performing a baptism. The article went on to cover other deaths or health controversies in Texas that came during religious observances or from religious zealots (the explosion at the Davidians compound, a Catholic priest pricking the fingers of children to simulate the pain suffered by Christ). A two—fer by the Economist: making fun of religious people who also happen to be Texans. The title of the article, by the way, "Texas's Dangerous Churches" — probably an apt view of how they and their readers see George Bush's America.

Ed Lasky  11 08 05

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