Castro the Muslim?


Cuban exiles at the blog called (the name, spelled that way, derives from graffiti seen in Havana) have found news from Iran showing that Iranian mullahs now claim that Cuban dictator Fidel Castro may convert to Islam.  

Of course it's a sham, as Castro has no spirituality, but it shows the growing ties between the Iranians and the Cuban dictator. It may be political cover for the mullahs who are sure to draw raised eyebrows from their militant supporters as they consort with the well—known communist.

It may also be Castro stringing the mullahs along in a bid to obtain something — finance, nuclear material, terror liaisons. Cuban exile Charlie Bravo thinks it parallels the efforts of the mullahs to convert Mikhail Gorbachev in the last waning days of the Soviet Union. However this may be, it's a very negative sign we should continue to watch as the western hemisphere's Axis of Marxism attempts more aggressively to merge with the Iranian—North Korean Axis of Evil.
A.M. Mora y Leon 11 23 05 

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