Act of war
David Warren, of the Ottawa Citizen, looks at Iran's public threat to destroy Isarel, and draws the appropriate conclusions in a column via Real Clear Politics:
For years I have thought the West should be trying harder not to appease, but rather to undermine, the Iranian regime, by aggressively supporting its domestic opponents. An external attack might help the regime rally domestic support. And of course it would have to be done over the demonstrating bodies of the worlds' angry Left. Therefore try every option, short of open war.
I don't think 'every other option' is credible any more. We must look squarely at what is before us, and not for an excuse to look away.
It should be realized that President Ahmadinejad's threats —— and his subsequent failure to retract them —— themselves constitute acts of war. The Israelis, at the least, are in a moral and legal position to act in self—defence; and all decent men and women are under a moral obligation to support them.