The strangest coalition in history
It would seem to include Bill Kristol, Pat Buchannan, David Frum, Laura Ingraham, Charles Krauthammer, Michael Savage and ...Hugo Chavez's Venezuela. All seem to oppose the nomination of Harriet Miers to the Supreme Court. El Universal of Caracas reports:
Appointments at the White House of people linked with "religious, extreme rightwing" sectors are dangerous both for the United States and the world, Venezuelan Minister of the Interior Jesse Chac撑 said.
While Chac撑 did not mention specifically the appointment of John Roberts as president of the Supreme Court of Justice and a proposal for Harriet Miers to replace justice Sandra O'Connor.
In his view, "the religious extreme rightwing" argues that war and death against alleged evil representatives are God's mandate.
Hat tip: A.M. Mora y Leon
Thomas Lifson 10 12 05