American Thinker Blog
October 31, 2005
It's Alito!October 31, 2005
Chutzpah from Las VegasOctober 31, 2005
China and Chile move toward free trade pactOctober 31, 2005
The alienated suicide bomberOctober 31, 2005
Selling the rope to hang ourselves?October 31, 2005
Change comes to the Middle East slowlyOctober 31, 2005
The Democrats' spokesman?October 31, 2005
Intelligence mistakes leading to warOctober 31, 2005
The coming Muslim population crisisOctober 30, 2005
We buried youOctober 30, 2005
CENTCOM reportsOctober 30, 2005
Joe Wilson's 15 minuitesOctober 30, 2005
How covert was Valerie Plame?October 30, 2005
Japan moves to revise "peace constitution"October 29, 2005
BBC codeOctober 29, 2005
Is Libby guilty of a cover-up?October 29, 2005
A plausible Libby scenarioOctober 29, 2005
A disaster for the British monarchyOctober 29, 2005
New Delhi SavagedOctober 29, 2005
Let's have a pity party for JoeOctober 29, 2005
WankegateOctober 29, 2005
Not fit to printOctober 28, 2005
UN "expert" found abusing mandate to USOctober 28, 2005
Justice Cox?October 28, 2005
Isn't that special?October 28, 2005
Missing headlines (a continuing series)October 28, 2005
Behind Iran's open threat to IsraelOctober 28, 2005
Accountability for Arab regimes?October 28, 2005
Students arise!October 28, 2005
Churchill denies American Thinker quotationsOctober 28, 2005
Lower educationOctober 28, 2005
Correction needs more correctingOctober 27, 2005
What's next for the conservative punditry and the Senate?October 27, 2005
Bush Should Play the Ozzie CardOctober 27, 2005
Blaming the "extremist" GOP for Miers withdrawalOctober 27, 2005
House hearing on India-US nuclear cooperationOctober 27, 2005
Miers reactionOctober 27, 2005
Is Arlen Specter Crying?October 27, 2005
More Miers reactionOctober 27, 2005
Miers withdrawsOctober 27, 2005
Genocide's birthdayOctober 27, 2005
Another view of Ward Churchill at DePaulOctober 26, 2005
Guardian apologizesOctober 26, 2005
Release them?October 26, 2005
Where and when?October 26, 2005
Unto the generations?October 26, 2005
Geo-political maneuvers continueOctober 26, 2005
Secrets of terrorOctober 26, 2005
One of our favoritesOctober 26, 2005
A gigantic waste of aid moneyOctober 26, 2005
Backgrounder on PlamegateOctober 26, 2005
Stereotype bustersOctober 25, 2005
Libby's head fake?October 25, 2005
A tardy and incomplete correctionOctober 25, 2005
Britain not so greatOctober 25, 2005
Niger document forger in pay of FranceOctober 25, 2005
Earth to ScowcroftOctober 25, 2005
Matt May in the newsOctober 25, 2005
Anti-Semitic literature OK in Germany, if from IranOctober 25, 2005
Advance notice of the Baghdad bombs?October 25, 2005
Powell suck-up watchOctober 25, 2005
Oily George was paid offOctober 25, 2005
WaPo columnist attacks Condi on civil rightsOctober 25, 2005
The US-India relationshipOctober 24, 2005
Democracy in IraqOctober 24, 2005
Bush Derangement Syndrome hits baseballOctober 24, 2005
Russia losing the CaucasusOctober 24, 2005
Japan's PM and Yasukuni ShrineOctober 24, 2005
Missing headlines (continued)October 24, 2005
Memory LaneOctober 24, 2005
DishonestOctober 24, 2005
Ramadan is not ChristmasOctober 23, 2005
Miered in PunditlandOctober 23, 2005
France re-writes historyOctober 23, 2005
Secret mission to BeijingOctober 23, 2005
Don't indict on Judy's evidenceOctober 22, 2005
The second leak in the Plame caseOctober 22, 2005
How probing is Bill Keller?October 22, 2005
North Country reviewOctober 22, 2005
Families flee city of St. FrancisOctober 22, 2005
The Smoking GunOctober 22, 2005
Sickness in higher educationOctober 22, 2005
Rumor mills running full blastOctober 22, 2005
The next leader of Japan?October 22, 2005
Now he tells usOctober 22, 2005
A Yankee in GoobervilleOctober 21, 2005
Who said these?October 21, 2005
Recommending The Legacy of JihadOctober 21, 2005
Fitzgerald websiteOctober 21, 2005
Wilson Plame GameOctober 21, 2005
Not naming names in the UN reportOctober 21, 2005
UK out of EUOctober 21, 2005
Reducing teen auto fatalitiesOctober 21, 2005
The space technology transfer to ChinaOctober 21, 2005
Too Many Raindrops Falling on His HeadOctober 21, 2005
Rep. DeLay's new head shotOctober 21, 2005
If a tree falls in the forest...October 21, 2005
Missing headlines (a continuing series)October 20, 2005
Fakes news can be serious businessOctober 20, 2005
Speaking of food...October 20, 2005
NYT's big bucks from lefty advocacy groupsOctober 20, 2005
Food and Ideology (continued)October 20, 2005
Long, long arm of Spanish law - part deuxOctober 20, 2005
Be careful what you wish forOctober 20, 2005
Mosque-state separation?October 19, 2005
NYT pundits lament pay-only Times SelectOctober 19, 2005
Rush to judgmentOctober 19, 2005
Missing headlines (a continuing series)October 19, 2005
Red Cross gets a taste of its own medicineOctober 19, 2005
Volcker invokes the funding weapon on UN reformOctober 19, 2005
Missing headlines (a continuing series)October 19, 2005
The oracles at DelphiOctober 19, 2005
Tariq Ramadan in BritainOctober 19, 2005
The sorry state of Arab book publishingOctober 19, 2005
Eye on ChinaOctober 18, 2005
Out of thin airOctober 18, 2005
Richard Cohen, Arianna, and Chris MatthewsOctober 18, 2005
The North Korean undergroundOctober 18, 2005
Syria in the crosshairsOctober 18, 2005
CIA spooked about indictments?October 18, 2005
Andrew Bostom interviewOctober 18, 2005
The I-word at lastOctober 18, 2005
It isn't easy busting porkOctober 18, 2005
NYT edits out reference to Palestinian responsibilitiesOctober 18, 2005
Matt May on David FrumOctober 18, 2005
China's secrecy on bird fluOctober 18, 2005
The truth shall make ye fretOctober 18, 2005
Pakistan quake's political aftermathOctober 17, 2005
Al-Zawahri's letter not authentic?October 17, 2005
Enforcing ideological purity in schools of educationOctober 17, 2005
DisciplineOctober 17, 2005
Anti-Semitic film in Grmany?October 17, 2005
Race and ridiculousness in sportsOctober 17, 2005
Japan PM Koizumi visits YasukuniOctober 17, 2005
China's space program and national powerOctober 16, 2005
The mind of David FrumOctober 16, 2005
Jackson and Glover go carpetbagging in VenezuelaOctober 16, 2005
Congratulations, Iraqis!October 16, 2005
What made David Frum change his mind?October 16, 2005
Damning with praiseOctober 15, 2005
CENTCOM ReportsOctober 15, 2005
Heartening Belarus's democratsOctober 15, 2005
Miers nomination skeptics in verseOctober 15, 2005
Teen drivers: some reader sommentsOctober 15, 2005
BusinessWeek's Asian 50October 14, 2005
Standing up to evil in ColombiaOctober 14, 2005
NYT and the PalestiniansOctober 14, 2005
Government-endorsed religious beliefs?October 14, 2005
Where is Schroeder's Navy?October 14, 2005
A set-up?October 14, 2005
The Ramadan shopping seasonOctober 14, 2005
French ambassadors admit taking bribesOctober 14, 2005
Cyber free speechOctober 14, 2005
Pinter admits politics may have influenced Nobel awardOctober 14, 2005
Baehr on MiersOctober 14, 2005
Newspaper death throesOctober 13, 2005
Oh no!October 13, 2005
Include me outOctober 13, 2005
Politicized honorsOctober 13, 2005
The MSM gets nervousOctober 13, 2005
The anti-Bush Nobel PrizesOctober 13, 2005
No sclerosis on the rightOctober 12, 2005
The blogger conference call with Ken MehlmanOctober 12, 2005
Al Qaeda's logicOctober 12, 2005
The strangest coalition in historyOctober 12, 2005
Even a lefty blogger knows Wilson's been lyingOctober 12, 2005
CENTCOM comments on al-Zawahiri letterOctober 12, 2005
The homeland security money game continuesOctober 12, 2005
A healthy controversyOctober 12, 2005
Syrian Interior Minster was suicided todayOctober 12, 2005
The legal credentials of the Judiciary CommitteeOctober 12, 2005
North Korea, the IRA and counterfeitingOctober 12, 2005
Corzine loses leadOctober 12, 2005
Wealth management for mullahs, Saddam, and Castro?October 12, 2005
The Murrow mythOctober 12, 2005
Qatar donates money to Israeli-Arab stadiumOctober 11, 2005
Al Qaida's election promises in IraqOctober 11, 2005
The superiority of French cultureOctober 11, 2005
French cuffedOctober 11, 2005
CENTCOM Reports: US relief efforts in PakistanOctober 11, 2005
Ken Mehlman zings Howard DeanOctober 11, 2005
A brave manOctober 11, 2005
Confronting IslamofascistsOctober 10, 2005
Wrath of Allah hits terrorist training campsOctober 10, 2005
More MiersOctober 10, 2005
Chinese reform activist beatenOctober 10, 2005
Germany gets a new PMOctober 10, 2005
PC killsOctober 10, 2005
Joe Wilson's speechOctober 10, 2005
Teresa's by-lineOctober 10, 2005
More MiersOctober 10, 2005
Labor shortages in ChinaOctober 9, 2005
Churchill and the AnglosphereOctober 9, 2005
China uses the internetOctober 9, 2005
On the plus sideOctober 9, 2005
Mediacrity comments on CalameOctober 8, 2005
In the land of moral imbecilesOctober 8, 2005
Conservatism has not been tried and found wantingOctober 8, 2005
Bush, the architect of our future Supreme CourtOctober 8, 2005
The green eyed monsterOctober 8, 2005
More thoughts on the grand jury and Judith MillerOctober 7, 2005
Airbus and public subsidiesOctober 7, 2005
Dogged DeLayOctober 7, 2005
At least the bias will remain the sameOctober 7, 2005
Plame updateOctober 7, 2005
Rove, Miller, and the Plame grand juryOctober 7, 2005
Tom Friedman's elephant in the bathtubOctober 7, 2005
Cool Hand CassOctober 7, 2005
Recusal worries overstatedOctober 7, 2005
Schumer committee paying criminal defense lawyersOctober 7, 2005
The ten foiled plotsOctober 7, 2005
Nobel Peace PrizeOctober 7, 2005
Fake enemy propaganda from AP/Reuters/BBC/SkyOctober 6, 2005
The long, long arm of Spanish lawOctober 6, 2005
Novak BushwhackedOctober 6, 2005
Iraqi army facts from LTG PetraeusOctober 6, 2005
The petulant rightOctober 6, 2005
Miers critics not elitistsOctober 6, 2005
The recusal trapOctober 6, 2005
Breaking the resume ceilingOctober 6, 2005
Bill Clinton uses the Q-wordOctober 6, 2005
Elite schools losing market value?October 6, 2005
China pushes ahead on nukesOctober 6, 2005
A Sister Souljah momentOctober 5, 2005
Ann Coulter takes the low roadOctober 5, 2005
Family ownership at the NYTOctober 5, 2005
A different Supreme Court crusadeOctober 5, 2005
The spirit of Jayson Blair lives onOctober 5, 2005
Stereophonic SCOTUS rumble: the right channel is louderOctober 5, 2005
India's futureOctober 5, 2005
J-school biggie: NYT not the best paper anymoreOctober 5, 2005
If at first you don't succeed...October 5, 2005
How many geniuses do we need?October 5, 2005
The right is starting to ape the leftOctober 5, 2005
MSM lied: people diedOctober 5, 2005
Where there's a Will, there's a MayOctober 5, 2005
Reuters - Iraqi charter gains wide backingOctober 5, 2005
Not really interesting to national MSMOctober 5, 2005
Chirac: Turkey needs a cultural revolutionOctober 4, 2005
Reading Bush's Brain.October 4, 2005
Top ten reasons (continued)October 4, 2005
E-booksOctober 4, 2005
More dissent from fine mindsOctober 4, 2005
Order in The CourtOctober 4, 2005
My name is Earle (and Farrakhan and Rangel)October 4, 2005
Bali bombings and soft judgesOctober 4, 2005
Property rightsOctober 4, 2005
Venezuela harboring al-Qaida, general chargesOctober 4, 2005
Staunch US ally now heads IAEA BoardOctober 4, 2005
The joys of political discourseOctober 4, 2005
The stupid terrorists clubOctober 4, 2005
Blacks de-coupling from the DemocratsOctober 4, 2005
Democrats go for war veteransOctober 4, 2005
China's state secretsOctober 3, 2005
Will Feinstein get personal again?October 3, 2005
Hillary hires 9/11 kookOctober 3, 2005
Clinton: the gift that keeps on givingOctober 3, 2005
Harriet Miers: First Monday in October Trick? Or Treat?October 3, 2005
The coming explosion over Miers - updated and cancelledOctober 3, 2005
The power of propagandaOctober 3, 2005
Oklahoma suicide bomberOctober 3, 2005
LetterOctober 3, 2005
The coming explosion over Miers - reduxOctober 3, 2005
Your country or your faith?October 3, 2005
Playing with Ideas – in PublicOctober 3, 2005
David Frum, meet Jay SekulowOctober 3, 2005
Thinkers versus feelersOctober 3, 2005
Critiques of MiersOctober 2, 2005
CBS News head re-examines "objectivity"October 2, 2005
We're too stoopid to run our own affairsOctober 2, 2005
Who reads the Los Angeles Times?October 2, 2005
CENTCOM reportsOctober 2, 2005
Collins corrects correctionsOctober 1, 2005
More pieces in the jobs puzzleOctober 1, 2005
Berkeley's Marxist establishmentOctober 1, 2005
Taliban TootsieOctober 1, 2005
Do Arabs really hate us?October 1, 2005
SF Chronicle's croppingOctober 1, 2005
Exporting Jobs: A Sign of StrengthOctober 1, 2005
The war on religious faith continuesOctober 1, 2005
Coalition politics
Recent Articles
- Is Australia Set to Become a Security Threat for the United States?
- The Imperial Judiciary Of The United States
- Sanders and AOC: 100 Years of Socialism
- The Trump Administration Goes to War against Bureaucratic Tyranny
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- Live by the Autopen, Die by the Autopen
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- The 250th Birthday of Patrick Henry’s ‘Liberty or Death’ Speech
- Iranian Regime’s Nuclear Crisis and Diplomatic Tensions: Negotiation or Confrontation?
- Iraq’s Debt to America: It’s Time to Collect
Blog Posts
- Why are ‘conservative’ influencers promoting welfare spending?
- The president and his policies do make a difference
- Birthright citizenship in America vs. in the world
- What these activist judges are doing to Trump is not about who he is -- it is about who they are
- Does Dr. Mehmet Oz still support transgender medicine?
- The media’s latest lie: TikTok stole Kamala’s presidency
- Usha Vance goes to Greenland -- just as the normally polite Danes are getting pretty hostile
- Why do we think the way we do?
- All we need is Joe, Joe is all we need?
- Trump begins to dismantle Department of Education
- Bernie's astroturf rally
- Remembering an inspiring story about Sir Michael Caine
- Are Turkish President Recip Erdoğan's days numbered?
- Leftists are finally embracing their Inner Fascist
- In praise of Elon Musk