Virginia governorship
David Broder is excited today about the prospects for the Democrats to hold onto the governorship of Virgiania.
Democrat Mark Warner is leaving after a successful four—year run in which the state has climbed out of a financial hole, added thousands of jobs and notably improved its education system.
Kilgore, the Republican is actually running 8 to 10 ponts ahead in Virginia polls. Mark Warner was the odd Democrat who was pro gun rights, moderate on social values issues, and spent a lot of time campaigning in southwest Virginia (Roanoke area), the most conservative part of the state in its voting. He is a very capable, smart guy, and if the national meida had any interest in promoting him, could a competitive candidate against Hillary in 08. But of course they won't, for that very reason.
But he is Presidential material, and unlike Carter or Clinton, the real thing, a southern moderate. There has been speculation that Warner might run against George Allen next year, but probably won't: too much risk he would lose and destroy his career. Warner is the only threat to Allen's re—election. But it would be an upset for Dems to hold the Governors seat in Vriginia.
Richard Baehr 5 01 01