This ad insults women
The Planned Parenthood Action Fund, apparently another 527 group, has a television commercial posted to its website. I urge all of readers to view it, in order to get a sense of the low intellectual level to which the primary abortion advocacy group has sunk. If I were an abortion (what they euphemize as 'choice') advocate, I would be offended by the patronizing tone of the whole thing.
If I were Janeane Garofolo, to whom the cartoon figure named Choice Chick bears an uncanny resemblance, I would sue. And by the way, didn't the feminists used to lecture us that 'chick' is a demeaning word for women? I vividly remember indignant self—righteous females telling me that they weren't baby fowl. I guess that dates me.
Hat tip to the ever—essential Instapundit for bringing this ad to my attention.
Posted by Thomas 8 9 04