The Other Liberal Radio Network


Drudge, followed several hours later by the New York Times reveals the planned broadcast schedule line—up of the new liberal talk radio network, promised by an outfit which calls itself Progress Media. The network will call itself  'Air America Radio.' Given the fact that the left identified theoriginal company named Air America as a CIA front during the Vietnam War, the choice of name is instructive. Oblique ironic reference to semi—obscure Vietnam era trivia is likely to resonate with the over—60 demographic slice, but will mean nothing to anyone under 45. Call it a sign of things to come.


Starting with three third—tier AM radio stations in New York, Los Angeles, and Chicago, the network promises to soon add San Francisco to its airwaves, although none of the 80 radio stations in the nation's most liberal metropolitan area has yet leaped to take advantage of the opportunity. The backers of the network claim to have raised $20 million in initial funding, so they may be able to continue a money—losing operation at least through the November election.


Blogger Mitch Berg hilariously goes through the broadcast schedule, counting up NPR staff and former stand—up comedians. These two groups appear to be the primary talent pool of Air America Radio.


Aside from the limited talent of its, um, talent, the primary obstacle to Air America's business success is the existence of a taxpayer funded rival: NPR. Why would anyone want to listen to lame left wing bromides WITH annoying commercials, when the government provides plenty of left wing propaganda sans commercial interruption on NPR.


Of course, it has yet to be established that advertisers will flock to Air America Radio, so maybe the commercial—free competition from NPR is not such a big issue after all.


Posted by Thomas   03 11 04

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