

France's domestic intelligence (sic) services have prepared a report warning that radicalized, alienated ghettoes, populated largely by immigrants and their descendents have become a far worse problem than previously understood. The report was leaked to Le Monde newspaper, and reported in English by the BBC.

many families of immigrant origin were rejecting French values and even the French language, following instead more traditional ways of life associated with their ethnic origin — including an increasing religious radicalisation among young Muslims, and a backlash against young Muslim women who wore Western clothing.

Better—off families, mainly those of white European origin, were leaving such suburbs, creating an even greater sense of isolation.

Anyone who has traveled around many of Europe's cities has observed the phenomenon of high slums, built on a similar model to America's high rise inner—city ghettoes, such as the infamous Pruitt—Igoe housing project in St. Louis, which was so badly deteriorated that it had to be dynamited a few years ago.

The major difference seems to be that Americans, owning cars, and enjoying tax deductions on mortgage interest, were able to build suburbs consisting of what Europeans would call 'villas' for ordinary middle class folk, leaving the central cities to the poor. The Europeans have kept the center of town for the middle class and above, and exiled the poor to the outer fringes, where they are out of sight.
Of course, as anyone who has ever studied military strategy can tell you, this means allowing themselves to be surrounded. Perhaps some of those ancient city walls will someday be rebuilt, to keep out hordes of nouveau—barbarians.

Posted by  Thomas  07 10 04

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