John Lehman, a member of the 9/11 Commission , unloads today on the perfidious showboating of Richard Clarke, in making his public testimony different from his previous private testimony. Rich Lowry, on National Review Online, has a great article on the subject.
One of the money quotes:
Lehman says that Clarke's original testimonon the Clinton Administration's handling of Al Qaeda hreatsand Clinton policies." That was the Clarke, evenhanded in his criticisms of both the Bush and Clinton administrations, who Lehman and other Republican commissioners expected to show up at the public hearings. It was a surprise "that he would come out against Bush that way." Republicans were taken aback: "It caught us flat—footed, but not the Democrats."
Lowry highlights the role of Viacom, publisher of Clarke's book and owner of CBS. But inquiring minds also wonder about the role of Sandy Berger in purloining drafts of Clarke's memorandum on the Clinton Administration's handling of al Qaeda threats.
Hat tip to Ed
Posted by Thomas 07 22 04