Shocking news
As a followup to today's shocking front page news story that some of the Swift Boat Veterans are Republicans, and some of the money for their ads came from Bush supporters, the New York Times has learned, though, not yet reported on its front page, that some of the contributors to various 527 groups supporting Kerry and attacking Bush this year, including, ACT, and the Media Fund have also given money to the DNC, and to the Kerry camapign this year, and gave large soft money gifts to the DNC in prior years!
Even more shocking: some of the contributors to these groups were past supporters of, and even worked for the Clinton Administration!
And how about this: while one guy gave $200,000 for the Swift Boat ads, Geoge Soros and Steven Bing have each given over $10 million to groups supporting Kerry. The Times may be holding the story until they can answer the question of why Republican contributors are such pikers by comparison.
Posted by Richard 8 20 04