Play the race card
It is well past time for Respublicans to play the race card against Democrats on Social Security reform. Rich Lowry today brings—up the well—established fact that Social Security is a particularly terrible deal for black males, whose average life span is lower than that of othe demographic groups. If you don't live long enough to collect benefits, and if you can't inherrit benefits (as is the case today), Social Security taxes are a dead loss.
The President's plan to make a portion of Social Security payments into private accounts, inheritable property, will benefit everyone, but especially it will benefit those who have gotten the worst deal: thosee who die early.
Republicans should not go as low as Democrats do in their race—baiting, but should patiently explain to Americans that blacks are bearing a disparate impact, which is unfair, under the current system, the very system Democrats don't want to change.
The best defense is a good offense.
Thomas Lifson 1 04 05