Next to heaven
Every so often I get an email from a European reader asking why we are so critical of the EU here at The American Thinker. We are sometimes accused of being 'anti—European.' I always write back that I am in awe of the cultural contributions Europe has made to the world. I am largely of European stock, with ancestors scattered across the breadth of geographical Europe, from Eire to Russia. And I greatly enjoy travel to Europe. In fact, I am about to dispatch my second child to study in Europe, following the footsteps of his older sister.
But the European Union has become a nightmare, one which wastes vast resources (at its best), and corrupts, poisons, and perverts the politics and activities of Europeans and many others as well. The design of the EU political structure deliberately insulates it from accountability. The latest illustration of this point comes from The Telegraph, a paper which is opposed to further integration of the UK into the EU.
The life of a senior EU bureaucrat seems to be almost heavenly — except for the tedium and corruption of the soul involved. Generous salaries, low or no taxation, luxurious perquisites — it is all very reminiscent of the United Nations bureaucracy. Come to think of it, both institutions manifest quite similar pathologies, and both uncritically support Arafat and his gang of murderous thieves.
Posted by Thomas 8 16 04