New plan to protect our schools with defibrillators
The homeland security pork barrel has reached the point of becoming a surreal comedy, except if another terrorist attack occurs; then it won't be very funny. A report from Danbury, Connecticut on October 5th, describes how the massacre at the school at Beslan, North Ossetia provides the rationale for a homeland security grant of $270,000 to the local school district to help 'protect' the students. And how exactly is the money going to be spent to protect our young people from a terrorist attack? The article states that the money will be spent on an,
Internet—based system to alert parents during a crisis at school. The plan also includes placing cameras and defibrillators in more school buildings
So, apparently these new measures will assist the parents in finding out that the school has been seized by terrorists, they'll catch the slaughter on camera, and those that suffer a heart attack due to the stress involved will have defibrillators on hand to revive them.
The homeland security grant system is turning into a farce by spending money on supplies and services that are unrelated to homeland protection measures that should rightfully be paid for with local money. While protection of our borders is paid lip service, the Department of Homeland Security has turned into the modern version of Clinton's Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), which dispensed 'disaster' relief money based on political cronyism rather than a true need to restore order after a major catastrophe.
Tom Ridge should be ashamed.
Doug Hanson 10—12—04