More celebrity nonsense
Not that more reasons are needed to be grateful that Kerry and many of his fellow Democrats lost, but they just come pouring in. Since the election Bush opponents have shown their true colors, indicating that many of them have no concept of the meaning of democracy or how to operate in a free society. What a shuddering vision of society if they were to dominate.
These people range from those comedically pathetic in rushing to psychologists and others declaring their need to emigrate, to those still attempting to contest the election results all because their candidate lost and they didn't get their way.
But the starkest vision comes from those elitists like Linda Ronstadt who proclaim their contempt for everyone different than themselves. "People don't realize by voting Republican, they voted against themselves," she royally declared, echoing the recent infamous British headline that 60 million Americans are stupid.
And then, from the freedom of her hotel suite in New York, knowing she will suffer no repurcussions, she hurls her ultimate insult: she calls her opponents Hitlers.
Thinking she is bravely taking a stand, Ronstadt——and all the others who ignorantly slosh that epithet around——displays her ignorance. And her insensitivity. She is trivializing the evils of Hitler and the suffering people endured under that system. (Notice how she and others of the same mentality never calls people Stalins or Husseins or even Castros; apparently believing that those regimes are/were paradise.) She knows no one acting under the deliberately misinterpreted Patriot Act will barge into her room in the middle of the night, dragging her and her family away, never to be heard from again as would happen in all of the barbaric totalitarian societies if she were to utter such sentiments.
Yes, under the free country of George W. Bush, even of John F. Kerry had he been elected, Ronstadt can continue hummin'. And thank goodness, we're not forced to listen.
Ethel C. Fenig 11 18 04