Kim Jong-il appears on TV - date uncertain


North Korean dictator Kim Jong—il is shown (obviously alive) on North Korean last night, (Korean time), on 17 November 2004, recently inspecting (date unclear) the North Korean Peoples Army "Unit 754".

However, as South Korean TV reporters from YTN—TV in the voice—over in this clip note, the traditional Korean—language title of "Great Leader" is absent from the usual script.

This is the first time that such an honorific title is missing, when describing Kim Jong—il, in their national press.

The video clip starts with the South Korean TV female announcer for 30 seconds who introduces a very short file clip showing how North Korean TV (male announcer, note the NK communist lapel pin) had referred to Kim Jong—il in the past; then shifts to yesterday's North Korean TV news broadcast, including the still photo shots of Kim apparantly inspecting a KPA unit recently (cold weather).  

Clarice Feldman   11 17 04


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