Iraq and Osama


Caludia Rosett is doing the most important work in journalism. Period. She owns the story on the corrupt Oil for Food Program, the biggest financial scandal int he history of the world. And the biggest scandal of the story isn't even financial: it is profoundly political, going to the heart of the corruption of the United Nations, and possibly to the heart of Al Qaeda's 9/11 attack on the United States.

Ms. Rosett would be the first to stipulate that her latest article, possibly the most important of all, is still in the realm of imagination, not fact. But she lays out a fascinating circumstantial case that the OfFP was used to finance Osama bin Laden's re—establishment of his base in Afghanistan, following his expulsion from Sudan. He was, after all, virtually broke when he had to leave, and yet miraculously, was able to finance himself more than adequately enough to buy the support of the Taliban regime.

Most intriguingly, at the time he "declared war" on the United States, he also started talking about Iraq in favorable terms.

At this point, the case is suggestive, not conclusive. But in the absence of an open and complerte investigation, that's the best that we have.

I, for one, will be closely watching the Pulitzer awards for the next few years. Claudia Rosett has already distinguished herself beyond the ability of the Pulitzers to honor her. If they fail to do so, the loss is to their prestige, not to Ms. Rosett's.

Posted by Thomas  07 31 04

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