Interesting comparison


William Stuntz, writing on TechCentralStation, makes a fascinating comparison between the 1948 Dewey—Truman race and the current presidential election. In both elections, a haughty Northeaterner battled a somewhat inarticulate uncumbent president who was an  object of scorn by the elitists. Both elections toolk place in the context of a gathering crisis — the Cold War and the War on Terror. Stuntz even likens Acheson, Marshall, Forrestall and Kennan to Rice, Wolfowitz, Rumsfeld, and Powell, a comparison which mostly worls for me.

It is well worth reading. I have always liked Truman, and made a pilgrimage to his Presidential Library. His economic policies stank, but he was honest, humble, and did a fantastic job defending America. Truman's standing as a great president has been rising, as Bush 43's is likely to do in a generation or two.

Thomas Lifson   10 26 04

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